I dunno about time wise but I only made 2 wallets and 2 basic tote bags before I tried this. Granted there was a bit of trial and error involved where I'd make a mistake and have to recut a piece etc on those first bags. Good learning experience though! I don't think you need a ton of practice to make something like this. Just take it slow and make sure you have all the pieces cut out properly before you start sewing. This was made from a free pattern I found online if you'd like the link.
Bro's out here writing fan faction
I stitched the bottom piece to the side panels first so all the pieces were attached and laid flat. The last step was stitching the sides up. I really like the handle style. I'd never tried that before this bag. There's a piece of rope running through inside the handle to help keep the shape. The leather is a chromexcel second I got from Maverick.
And the edge kote is more like painting the edges, it has a color to it.
No some leather won't burnish, it's not just you. I'm not a pro at thus stuff either. Like chromexcel you can get a decent burnish on. But when I've used crazy horse and similar leather I just edge koted it instead. So it really depends on the leather.
I've been looking for the same thing. Used to go on twoxchromosomes on reddit and wanted something similar here. Guess one of us has to start it.
You can burnish chrome tan with tokonole. I've definitely found doing the edges on chrome tan never comes out quite as well as veg tan though. I know some people use edge kote or paint for chrome tan edges too, but I like the tokonole.
I'm so sorry! I hadn't checked my inbox for a while obviously. Here's that pattern if you're still interested.