
joined 7 months ago

I'm currently running two campaigns, one for Lancer and one for Masks.

In Lancer, my players just finished their first series of combat. They had opened up with making a supply raid against a convoy, taking out their escorts and then seizing it. Now, for the second half, they held back against enemy reinforcements while their transport made away with the supplies. They now have enough materials to perform maintenance and upgrade their mechs, clone themselves in case of emergency, and have retrieved some mysterious black crates that seem to emit an unusual wavelength. For our next session, I'll be showing them about leveling up, as well as providing information on the narrative mechanics of Bonds.

For Masks, we had our Session 0. All players are new to both the system (PbtA) and the game, but they're interested in learning and have dedicated themselves so far. The 4 playbooks they chose were Doomed, Nova, Legacy and Transformed, which give me a lot of leeway into presenting extra-powerful threats and letting the sword of collateral damage hang over their heads - as well as promise power at a cost to a few, if they're willing to pay. We are playing on a world that had a type of "No more mutants" tragedy happening, and 95% of all metahumans/superpowered folks have disappeared, leaving the remaining teams to "promote" teen heroes to the front to deal with keeping peace. Next week they're going to face their first threat, as well as deal with their internal turmoil over being handed such responsibility.

How about y'all, what have you been into?


The former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro and some of his closest allies are among dozens of people formally accused by federal police of being part of a criminal conspiracy designed to obliterate Brazil’s democratic system through a rightwing coup d’état.

Federal police confirmed on Thursday that investigators had concluded their long-running investigation into what they called a coordinated attempt to “violently dismantle the constitutional state”.

In a statement, police said the report – which has been forwarded to the supreme court – formally accused a total of 37 people of crimes including involvement in an attempted coup, the formation of a criminal organization, and trying to tear down one of the world’s largest democracies.

The accused include Bolsonaro, a disgraced army captain turned populist politician, who was president from 2018 until the end of 2022, as well as some of the most important members of his far-right administration.

They included Bolsonaro’s former spy chief, the far-right congressman Alexandre Ramagem; the former defense ministers Gen Walter Braga Netto and Gen Paulo Sérgio Nogueira de Oliveira; the former minister of justice and public security Anderson Torres; the former minister of institutional security Gen Augusto Heleno; the former navy commander Adm Almir Garnier Santos; the president of Bolsonaro’s political party, Valdemar Costa Neto; and Filipe Martins, one of Bolsonaro’s top foreign policy advisers.

Also named is the rightwing blogger grandson of Gen João Baptista Figueiredo, one of the military rulers who governed Brazil during its 1964-85 dictatorship.

The list contains one non-Brazilian name: that of Fernando Cerimedo, an Argentinian digital marketing guru who was in charge of communications for Argentina’s president, Javier Milei, during that country’s 2023 presidential campaign. Buenos Aires-based Cerimedo is close to Bolsonaro and his politician sons.

The long-awaited conclusion of the police investigation comes just days after federal police officers made five arrests as part of a roundup of alleged members of a plot to assassinate Bolsonaro’s leftwing successor Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his centre-right vice-president, Geraldo Alckmin, as well as the supreme court judge Alexandre de Moraes.

Shortly before police announced the end of their inquiry, Lula voiced gratitude that the attempt to poison him had failed. “I’m alive,” the 79-year-old leftist said during a speech.

Gen Mario Fernandes, one of the five people arrested over the alleged “Green and Yellow Dagger” assassination plan, was also among the 37 people named by federal police on Thursday – and like the others was formally accused of being part of a criminal coup attempt. “We are at war,” Fernandes allegedly said in one message discovered by police investigators.

Bolsonaro has previously denied involvement in an attempt to overturn the result of the 2022 election, which he lost to Lula. Speaking to a journalist from the Brazilian news site Metrópoles after he was named in the police report, the former president said he needed to see what was in the investigation. “I’m going to wait for the lawyer,” Bolsonaro added.

Braga Netto, Heleno and other prominent names on the list made no immediate comment about the accusations in the federal police report, which the police statement said was based on a large trove of evidence gathered through plea deals, searches and the analysis of financial, internet and phone records. But prominent pro-Bolsonaro politicians criticized the report, with Rogério Marinho, the leader of the opposition in the senate, attributing it to the “incessant persecution” targeting Brazil’s right. “The more they persecute Bolsonaro, the stronger he gets,” tweeted Sóstenes Cavalcante, a Bolsonarista congressman from Rio.

The alleged pro-Bolsonaro coup attempt allegedly played out during the turbulent final days of his four-year administration, which came to an end when he was narrowly defeated by Lula in the second round of the 2022 presidential election.

In the lead-up to that crunch vote, a manifesto signed by almost a million citizens warned that Brazilian democracy was facing a moment of “immense danger to democratic normality” amid widespread suspicion that plans were afoot to help Bolsonaro cling to power even if he lost.

After losing his re-election bid, Bolsonaro flew into temporary exile in the US while thousands of supporters gathered outside military bases around Brazil to demand a military intervention that never came.

The failed attempt to overturn Lula’s victory culminated in the 8 January 2023 riots in the capital, Brasília, when radicalized Bolsonaristas rampaged through the presidential palace, congress and supreme court.

Nearly two years later, Lula is in power but the far-right threat to his administration remains. Last Wednesday night, a member of Bolsonaro’s political party was killed after apparently blowing himself up with homemade explosives while attacking the supreme court.

During a search of the man’s trailer, police reportedly found a cap emblazoned with the slogan of Bolsonaro’s far-right movement: “Brazil above everything. God above all.”

​In a video statement, Paulo Pimenta, Lula’s communications minister, said the government was “utterly perplexed and outraged” by the revelations that the former president and members of the military had allegedly been plotting to bring down Brazil’s democracy “with almost unbelievable audacity”.

“These are very grave crimes [and] very serious accusations,” added Pimenta, who said Lula’s administration would now wait for the public prosecutor’s office to decide which of the 37 would be prosecuted and put on trial. Those convicted would have to pay for the crimes they had committed against democracy, against the constitution and against the Brazilian people, said Pimenta. “Bolsonaro in Jail”, the minister wrote alongside his video, echoing a call from many progressive Brazilians.


This weekend I played the latest horror indie darling Mouthwashing, and I have plenty of thoughts about it. Spoilerful thoughts about its plot, involving heavy subjects, so be warned that this will involve misogyny, sexual harassment, and the current political landscape regarding female body autonomy in the world.


In Mouthwashing you witness the tragedy of a 5 person crew of space freighters that underwent an accident, and are now stuck in an asteroid. They don't have enough supplies, there's no rescue coming, and, to add to all that, their ex-captain - who intentionally crashed the ship - is in a mangled state, requiring constant attention and painkillers to deal with unimaginable pain. It is, to put in simple terms, an ordeal.

As you progress through this short story, however, you start to see the bigger picture; the acting captain and POV for most of the game, Jimmy, was instead the one that caused the accident. And the reason was finding out about the unwanted pregnancy of another crew member, Anya.

Through the entirety of the game, Jimmy feels a bit off. He doesn't seem qualified to be in this position - which is not a surprise, given it was a field promotion - but he is also hardly a good person. Constantly berating others, demanding respect, he seems to be especially prone to lashing out at Anya. The nurse of the team - as he often reminds of her failures to go to Med School - is the person in charge of Curly (the mangled ex-captain) as well as the well being of the others. And while everyone in this team seem to be barely holding it together after the crash, Anya is the only one that constantly gets scolded by Jimmy. While Swansea sinks back into alcoholism and Daisuke is wallowing about never seeing his parents again, they barely get a mention from Jimmy. Anya, instead, who is genuinely depressed, is constantly called out on being emotional, unreliable, incompetent. Her feelings and her methods of coping are the only ones seem as despicable by Jimmy.

For the most part of the game, Anya seems evasive, sheepish. One would assume its just part of her personality, or that she is afraid of authority, but in the flashbacks before the crash - where the player is in the POV of Curly instead - the nurse is far more outspoken and relaxed, comfortable in the presence of the former captain. Could that shift in mood be due to the crash and her impeding death then?

In one of the last flashback interactions the player witnesses between Curly and Anya, she reveals to the then captain that she is pregnant. This is told amidst a conversation regarding a stolen gun, which Curly is frantically searching for. Anya explains that the captain would never allow her to use the gun to defend herself, but that's not the reason she stole it. The biggest threat to her is that Jimmy would be the one to find the weapon.

Before that, in a previous flashback, Anya and Curly talk about one of the electronic panels that display an artificial daytime or nighttime for the crew. The nurse mentions there's a dead pixel in the screen, something that is always in the back of her mind. Curly can't find it, but reinforces his ideal of always looking at the bigger picture. Anya then asks the captain why the cockpit and the medical office are the only places with locks, and not the crew quarters. After a few moments, the captain replies "Safety".

Safety of the ship, safety of the supplies, safety of the cargo, but never the safety of the crew. The bigger picture, the haul, the docked payments, all those broad strokes are what Curly is in charge of, but he can't see the details. In this year long trip - which Anya specifically mentions there are 8 months left - Curly was unable to see Anya and Jimmy as anything but coworkers, and was blind to her struggles. He was unable to understand that Jimmy had been assaulting her, and due to his carelessness, she didn't feel safe around the captain anymore. When she tells him the truth, that Jimmy is the father, Curly response is that he will "fix it". He sees the bigger picture, not the people. He doesn't want anyone to have their salaries cut, he doesn't want the company to suffer. The woman having a breakdown in front of him isn't a problem; the black mark on their resumes is.

In response to being told about Anya's pregnancy, Jimmy hijacks the ship and crashes it, hoping to take everyone down, removing his responsibility as a rapist and the stain that would be on his life. Curly, once again not seeing the bigger picture, allows it to happen - perhaps obliviously or by inaction, but one can't imagine a situation in which he couldn't understand that would be the result. And Anya, after the crash, sees her abuser being promoted to captain, becoming her superior, and any hope she had of relief being dashed away.

While Mouthwashing is a brief experience, flashing by the several months that the crew wastes away after the crash - and occasionally back to the days before the tragedy - the true victim of the game was always Anya, and her horror began far earlier than the crash. One could say it began when Jimmy first assaulted her, but the truth is that this game is about the horror of being a woman in a male dominated world, in a world where she is not in charge of her own body. After the crash, Anya is faced with two options: In one, she is forced to live with her rapist and carry his child to term - if he even allows her to live that long. In another, she attempts to abort her child and maybe take her own life in the process. But at the end of the day, neither of these are part of the bigger picture. Even if the crash never happened, if Jimmy never snapped, Anya would be forced to travel in an enclosed space for an entire year with a man that repeatedly assaulted her, with no avenue to escape, while the biggest fear anyone in a position of power would have about this situation is how it might affect the status of the company and the crew.

But even that is not the bigger picture itself. Its not the situation that made Jimmy who he is. There's nothing to indicate that this trip turned him into a monster. Jimmy is just a man. He's not an important man either. He isn't an executive, a politician, a white collar businessman. Jimmy is a co-pilot for a company that's about to go bankrupt. But he's a man, and in this world - or this universe, rather - that's what matters. There's no point in the entire narrative where Jimmy feels a smidge of regret for what he did to Anya; in fact, he is incapable of see her as an equal, or even a human being. In the sole moment of his breakdown where he envisions Anya, she is represented by a disfigured womb, carrying a foal inside it. A broodmare, is what she is - and always has been to Jimmy. And to the captain, to the rest of the world, Anya was a liability. A potential salary cut, a scandal, a black mark on the company. A problem to be fixed. But never a person, or a victim.

As I finished Mouthwashing, I couldn't stop thinking about this scenario, and what it means in the current world. This type of story is hardly unique to the point in time where we are, but I couldn't help but settle on the term "Roe v Wade Horror" to describe the game. The idea where a woman simply isn't in charge of herself, where her body is owned by others, where she is forced to share a space with abusers and carry their children, and god forbid if she brings any misery to those around her. No complaining, no emotions, no qualifications. Inferior and in her place, as many times as Jimmy could remind her of it.

With more and more media being delisted throw in the garbage, with the idea of "politics" being constantly excised from narratives to make them safer, and with the made up specter of "woke" stories haunting men devoid of personality, Mouthwashing stands as not just a fantastic game but also a eerie demonstration of just how horrific existing can be for half of the population of the world.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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