I mean Jim Jones was pretty damn effective at convincing a large group of people to commit mass suicide. If he'd been ineffective, he'd have been one of the thousands of failed cult leaders you and I have never heard of. Similarly, if Hitler had been ineffective, it wouldn't have takes the combined forces of half the world to fight him.
For fuck's sake, can this debate die already? It's one those made up words that no-one agrees on the meaning of, so people with the exact same views about the real world will fight to the death over it, because they're using completely different definitions of the word.
It used to just mean "progressive" with a positive connotation, then it got oversaturated and some progressives started using it to describe the kinds of people who fake having progressive ideals just to make themselves look good or sell shit. Then conservatives started using it to describe all progressives again, but this time with a negative connotation. Then some of those conservatives started using it to describe literally anything they don't like.
The problem is that the meaning's changed so fast that whatever meaning you're using, chances are there's someone around you who defines it differently, leading to a lot of pointless conflict that could be resolved if we just all agreed on a meaning, or stopped saying the fucking word.
Gotta love how it's somehow simultaneously "I'm so annoyed everyone's talking about it" and "nobody gives a shit". Make up your mind. You don't get to have it both ways. Maybe you don't give a shit, but a lot of people do, and they want to discuss it. Not everything is about you. Also, gotta love the irony of someone showing up on someone's forum to loudly declare how much they don't care about something.
+1 for GraphineOS, but I can't get behind NFTs. The technology is cool, but for me, the definition of "owning" something includes not only the ability to view it, but also the ability to modify it. If I own an NFT of a song, then I could listen to the song, but I still couldn't, say, make a remix of it, which for me is the entire point of owning it in the first place.