GW maintains continuity? Lol
Pine64 should make one If there ist any on market :D
They failed with the smart ones, so that might be an improvement.
My dog is a lagotto romagnolo, and I can confirm that he loves to raid the garden for tomatoes and zucchinis.
Suuuure buddy... What western fairy tale are you going to tell me next?
It’s a poor country, which probably would be very different as ~~an EU member,~~ a member of Yugoslavia.
There, fixed it for you.
I've used Linux exclusively for 10+ years and dualbooted long before that, and I just now learned about that flow.
If you need a cheap laptop, better buy a used one than new. My ThinkPad t480 is still running perfectly fine, you just can't play games on it.
You don't mind that each snap you install is further slowing down boot times?
Inb4 "But it's easier for people to join, everyone has discord"
If someone can't take 2 minutes to register to a forum/Lemmy/whatever they're not going to give any good contributions to your community... Those are the same lazy bastards that create a post instead of literally googling their title and getting the answers immediately.
And not a single stimulant is on it