As a non MOBA game player I'm a little disappointed
"...Finally, when Main’s own health declined before the spider’s, she passed the project on to Leanda Mason.."
Absolutely mental
"Grab 'em by the pussy" - Donald J. Trump
Really only it you're using it nerfariously it seems..?
Just curious but in what way/how do you think this feature makes them worthless?
Stick to that instead of politics 👍
If I'm not mistaken once the app is linked to your Google account it will be "purchased" and yours available for download (in theory) indefinitely
That's it! Thank you
YES! This is AWESOME news!!!
Slava Ukraini!
I believe ~~Charlie Chaplin~~ did similar stunts back in the day
The end results are badass though. Totally looks like they are dangling in peril
Edit: Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton. Not Charlie Chaplin
The dog needs to get off their high horse
Felix the Cat!
Does Plex do photos or just videos?