Does no one remember the Ashley Madison leaks including emails?
joined 2 years ago
Conservative MP Says He Trusts Porn Companies Won’t Leak Digital IDs of Canadians Who Visit Porn Websites
Reminds me of the Boston Tea Party. It was in solidarity with the Great Bengali Famine caused by the East India Company.
There's a HUGE lobbying effort to convince the people in power that this is a good idea. Lots of tech-surveillance companies bidding for this to go through, so everyone is forced to use their services. You think identity theft is bad now? Wait until you need to put your ID on the internet and that gets leaked.
What is the most poignant thing someone has said to you when they were close to the end of their life?
Under a new deal, Manulife Financial Corp. says its coverage of certain prescription drugs will only apply at Loblaw Cos. Ltd. pharmacies. -- Global News
Under a new deal, Manulife Financial Corp. says its coverage of certain prescription drugs will only apply at Loblaw Cos. Ltd. pharmacies. -- Global News
I'd rather leave it to the experts who study this stuff.
The only one I've heard of is called the "triple bottom line".
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It is literally the same party federally and provincially.
Several provinces are trying to detach, namely Alberta for Alberta reasons.