
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Thanks, will try reigns!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Uso restic e backrest da tempo...

Ottima coppia.


[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Me, my gf and her mother.

Never again.

(No, not in a sexual way, not between me and the mother at least...)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

IPhones. Think of the freedom of owning an ihpone.

That's it

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

What? I use Firefox and git to bworse, commend and post issues on open source tools hosted on github.

Just tell me you dislike github (understandable) but not that "those hosted on github" are not open source tools... That depends on the license they are following, not the tools they are using.

And by the way git is open source as well as the browser you need to access github.

I think you are getting way too far.

Said so, I host all my open source code on my private instance of forgejo, which is way more open source than github, but I don't allow registration (its my private instance, after all) so where do you put me at?

Just to remember that even the GPL v3 doesn't say you must provide support or a ticketing system.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Slay the spire seems landscape only, no go for me (yeah I am picky).

Is it?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Nobody AFAIK. I would like to start something tough. Doesn't need to share name or resources, just the feeling, the space theme, the PvP and specially coop pve approach...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Never found anything like that. What an idiot Dev.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Any names of rogue/-lites? I need them on Android as its the only platform I can reliably play today...

As for board games, we are into those too, or at least we where. But the love for ultra complicated board games by my wife took us to a blind spot where we are always too tired to start a game LOL...

I till love and we still play Ticket To Ride occasionally tough.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I also made at least one good friend on that game. We keep in touch years later.

Was amusing the idea to try recreate the original game as open source, with due differences like a true rich tech tree and less grind (no need to monetize an open source game after all), and most of all, self hostable server.

But RL is a bitch and free time is hard to come by these days, so.

Yeah the game was pretty addictive and I took the DN fiasco as a good reason to finally quit. I got to RS10. But seeing how rs10 was so much less fun in red stars was also a turn down as well.

I had friends playing rs10 regularly tough, so those where doable and kinda fun too it seems.

Rs9 where real fun tough... Specially done in private corps with three more able and willing partners.

White stars too, I really enjoyed them, maybe I was in a lucky corporation.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

10 years? Boy you are joung :)

I have encrypted files from w 20 years ago, and unencrypted files from 30 years ago.

And digitized stuff from analogic of 40 and 50 years ago.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

That is true for lots of things.

Moreover I use one easy "default" password for all basic stuff, and its always the same known to my spouse and written down on paper.

At least my offsite backups are protected from prying eyes. Maybe uneeded for local backups, but doesn't hurt to have.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I would be very grateful to anybody so nice to share an invite with me! That would be very kind.


One month ago I decided to give the 'Arrs a chance and, while there are issues and limits, i'am loving them.

But I have an issue: at home I have only internet access trough a 5G mobile network connection which means zero opportunity to have port forwarding or open ports at all. This rules out private torrent trackers (tried a couple, no luck in getting any ratio ofc). Public torrent trackers being basically shit, I decided to give Usenet a try, and two things happened:

  1. I started loving it!
  2. I discovered I have a 1tb/months full band with cap on my home connection. After that from 200mb/s I get dropped to 6mb/s this time, unlimited bandwidth.

I have a few suggestions first for newcomers: 'Arrs: start using them NOW. Also, they will help you organize your existing library, but be aware that doing a good job is not only mandatory but also time-consuming. Also, get JellyFin and it will play along with your organized (-- imean it) collection nicely. Make sure you set proper umask and group (media management/advanced settings for each arr app) do that the entire stack andbl jellyfin can write into your media collection: this will reduce issues with metadata sync a lot. Get bazarr working with subscene! And setup a nice nginx reverse proxy for the entire stack.

Some issues I ran into: Readarr really has issues with finding stuff and specially with audio books. Anybody could help me out here?

Lidarr seems always to go to torrent, which get stuck with no seeders for me. Is there music on Usenet?

Now to the last part: Usenet! That changed my entire game. As movies and TV series, I can literally find anything fast and saturated my 1tb plan in two days. I have newshosting and recently got eweka for less than 4€/month. Don't get caught in the common lie of three months free: they always charge 15 month immediately so you cannot really test them out then cancel. As indexers I got NZBGeek and I am planning to seek out DrunkenSlug. Any suggestions here?

(I know newshosting and eweka are probably overlapping, getting both was a mistake, but a relatively cheap one)

One last question: audiobooks and music on Usenet: what is your experience?

One truly last question: any way to integrate soulseek (nicotine+) on the arr stack?

Thanks fellow sailors.


Looking to start using drunkenslug... Anybody can help?

Thank you.

Usenet (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, i want to give a try to usenet world.

I have the *Arr setup with torrents now, and works great, but why not experiment a bit further?

So many questions...

First of all: will i find italian contents? Or its all US/English stuff?

I got an account on NZBFind, bit thats only an indexer right? I need also to find an access provider to usenet? If so, which access provider do you recomend? I want somewhere i can test for a few weeks or a month or so before committing, so no credit card upfront.

Update: trough techradar got an offer on newshosting for 5.99/mo with 3 monts free. Paid with PayPal then cancelled the recurrent immediately (so paid 0 so far). But at the moment not yet sure i made it working in my *Arr setup properly.


Recently setup the *Arr stack&transmission+ JellyFin and loving it... (linux user, with always on server at home, behind a 5G unlimited connection)

I am a torrent person, dont understand usenet at the moment.

A few questions to fellow sailors:

  • how do you safely and easily import your existing libraries? (Movies tv.shows books..)

  • how do you manage multiple movies? Like having the movie in french and english both

  • where and how to search for audiobooks? Really cant find many...

Any tips for daily usage?


Mi serve un buon smartwatch con ottime funzioni multisport e un GPS a prova di bomba, anche in acqua.

Mia moglie ha un Garmin Fenix 5pro che va da dio ma.... Lo schermo fa davvero schifo.

Al momento ho uno Xiaomi Watch S1 che esteticamente e come schermo èdavvero ottimo ma... Il software fa schifo e le funzioni sport fanno ridere, il GPS è imbarazzante (mi da 6000m dislivello+ dove il garmin di mia moglie da 1600m...).

Stavo guardando cosa prendere... E mi attira sia il forerunner 965 che un fenix 7 di qualche tipo.

Cosa prendereste?

(PS dopo esperienze negative con altre matche quali Polar credo che salvo forte evidenza di qualcuno, garmin sia il meglio)


Hi fellow people! I want to download & save a huge set of small videos (20min each) for a swimming course I paid for and they don't let me download , and this is driving me crazy.

The videos can be accessed via browser only, and I tried tubedowoader with no success (gives an error "empty keys" while attempting to download).

What should I try?

(Android is first choice, then Linux ofc)


Ciao! Sono un triatleta amatoriale e penso sarebbe interessante una community dove condividere i propri allenamenti con gli altri per discutere e scambiarsi idee.

Non una community generale Triathlon in quanto quella potrebbe servire per scambiarsi idee e spunti più generali (es gare, tracce, consigli zona cambio, squadre, etc), ma una dedicata al training. Potrebbe attirare anche dei coach freelance ad esempio.

Oddio, volendo anche tutte e due (generale e training).

Che ne pensate? Io dal mio posterei quotidiamente i miei allenamenti e potrei moderare anche se non sono un professionista ne un coach, non penso sarebbe necessario esserlo.


Not much activity here. I would expect mass moving from reddit specially on communities like anti-work where some kind of concepts like strikes are familiar.

I am honestly... Baffled.

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