Mmm I needed that to be CCd
Wtf are STL?
I use gentoo: I only install what I like/want/need...
True as well, impossible to find a note on Joplin using only the filesystem.
That's very good.
Usb-c might have its issues, but who is perfect?
It works great, provided you get good cables, and its just perfect for charging. Which is this all about.
Yeah maybe the other 10th functions in usb-c standard could be messy, but this is about charging and not HDMI or audio or whatever mix.
I want 3.5mm jack for audio anyway and not usb-c!
Beware of Joplin: saved files ate not native MD files. They have MD extension but internally are quite different.
Still plain text files in a way, but not usable with a different editor easily.
+1 for Silverbullet too!
Paired with markor on android and syncrhing is my to go solution.
I could use silverbullet on android directly as well but for some reason I prefer a native editor there.
Only the one written by the original Dev. There are others like syncthing fork.
Its still a perfectly viable solution for android.
My solution is on web, syncthing + native markdown editor (Markor on Android). - yes sincthing is still very well alive on android, there is at least one android client still actively developed AFAIK.
Because Joplin is (IMHO) slow and does not store notes in plain markdown but its own format, even if it's called .MD, it's not markdown.
Also, is really something unique, worth trying even if a bit more nerdy.
Better don't have cats then.
Not in Ottawa here... Cats lives outdoor normally and really doesn't suffer from that.
As for local fauna, well, yeah, but again cats have been living here for centuries and its pretty difficult to say that cats are not "local fauna" at this point.
To be honest, I would like my cats to KILL rats and mice instead of bringing them inside alive to play and then forget about them... But this is another story.
Human hunters to much more harm than cats around here. They even kill people sometimes. I would like to stop them more than stop cats from going outside.
Note: I own 4 dogs and 2 cats. The cats have a catflap and spend most of their time outside, since they are big enough to avoid being eaten by crows or foxes. I have even seen one cat walk side by side with a fox once. The dogs also are hunters and far more dangerous thab the cats as they killed, so far: three young boars, two young deer's, a couple of rabbit nests and I had twice already to jump in a dog-fox fight and separate the contenders letting the fox run away....
Why would you want password less backups?
I understand if the reason is 'just because', but seriously, why? I just write down the password in a text file for restic --password and I am done.