You're forgetting all the free advertising when your cars show up in the news all the time /s
Damn that's crazy. Thanks for the demo
95 definitely had those
That's standpoint is way to reasonable. People want black and white.
I don't think it's about laziness, but rather about having deadlines set by management that you can only possible meet by reusing stuff as much as possible - even if you only actually need 5 % of this stuff but got to package everything of it in your application for it to work.
Wir wissen: Krieg gibt's nur weil man an Waffen viel Geld verdient. Lösung: verbieten.
Wie stellst du dir das denn vor? Wo verbieten? In der EU? Der Nato? Putin lacht sich kaputt. Oder willst du sie weltweit verbieten? Dafür müsstest du erst mal die ganze Welt unter deine Kontrolle kriegen - vermutlich mit Waffengewalt.
... Ich denke nicht, dass der Kommentar ernst gemeint war...
Skin: Make it so I can endure the harshest of elements. Or be impenetrable.
Good look getting a vaccine
How were their prompts public?
Kann ich null bestätigen deine Beobachtung
Same with Nemo