Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. It was a good one. Replayed it several times later.
Glad it helped <3
Yeah writing down my dreams is hard for me too especially when you just woke up in the middle of the night. But i found that it helps if you don't write it down in every last detail. I only jot down a few keywords when I wake up and that usually works, then I can flesh it out it later in the same day when I have time. Takes less effort. If you don't remember - guess, that's a good exercise too! Don't do it tomorrow though, never works :'D Also it can help if you're forced out of the bed somehow for a couple of mins (drank too much water and have to go to the bathroom, for example), then just take your journal/phone with you. It also helps with WBTB (wake back to bed) by the way.
I don't know is links are allowed but here's the forum with fun dream tasks I mentioned: https://www.dreamviews.com/tasks-month-year/
I don't read a lot of forums but this one motivates me because users create this witty unexpected tasks I could never think of myself. And you get to feel accomplished when you finish them XD
I'm a leftie too, also as I understand my grip is wrong, I'm a sidewriter. Writing with a fountain pen is still easier for me, you just have to use smaller nibs to avoid smudging. But yeah, calligraphy and pretty handwriting is not my strongest suite. You don't have to write nice though to use FPs. Just write :3
Really like most of the hobbies from comments, you guys are interesting!
Mine are (I'm not sure if they are niche but):
Fountain pens. Writing with them feels very nice and smooth and it's a little piece of "retro" even though I don't have time for any other kind of "retro"
Lucid dreaming. It's an exercise of control over your dreams and a chance of doing something you like when you sleep. Or experience something new. There are forums with quests like "go to an art gallery in a dream and explore what your brain can give you as a painting" or "build yourself a dream homebase with all your favorite pieces of dreams from childhood" or "jump into a chalk painting and describe your experience"
Obsidian. Very simple, all functionality is free, offline, all notes are accessible on your PC, you don't even need Obsidian to open them because they are in Markdown. Has tons of community plugins for every need, even a Notion-like tables plugin. There is an android app which looks fine but I don't use it much so I can't say anything about it. But since all your notes are offline you have to think of ways to sync them. There is a paid Obsidian sync which you dont have to use or you can sync with any other method (manually, github, syncthing, etc...)
Edit: Oops, just realized the post is in FOSS community and Obsidian doesn't seem to be open source. Sorry! I'm not going to delete the comment though, maybe it'll help someone
Curry I'm hungry now, you did this to me...
Yeah, power tripping teachers are infuriating. I still remember the teacher who insisted I have to keep my paper at 45 degrees counterclockwise while writing which is technically correct but for right-handed people, and I'm a leftie. So now my handwriting is a freaking mess :D
Making my sick with cancer granddad lift up and throw away a rather big piece of furniture that he was intending to give away to someone the next day and left outside our apartment in some empty spot (not in anyone's way) because she didn't like it in her field of view, threatening to complain about fire safety (it was in the far corner from the exit!)
Obsidian! Can't recomment it enough! It's simple, has everything I need and a shitton of plugins (dice roller, statblocks, Initiative tracker, fantasy calendar, a tool for working with maps with pins and everything, ability to embed all sorts of generators from generators websites, wiki styled notes and more!)
Sadly, there's the third option: abandon both. Speaking from experience, I went through this some time ago with another social network and couldn't be bothered with factors 1 and 2, but then the 3rd factor came in, and also I didn't like what the new place was becoming. But the old one has already changed to corporate greed and it feels different. So now both places feel alien to me, so I chose neither. I'm not saying it will be the same for Lemmy, just ranting :D
Mostly it's different subgenres of rock and metal (like 70% of all comments here. Seriously, I've never met so many ppl that listen to my favorite music in one place xD).
I kinda have a few moods. For the "fun and energetic" mood I have hard rock and heavy metal, for the "my job is f*cking me and I don't like it" I have nu metal and some other things that sound angry, for the "fancy" I have a strange mix of P!atD, Franz Ferdinand, some songs that are creepy/sad but sound happy ("I can't decide", "Don't fear the Reaper", "To The Sea") and steampunk/dark cabaret/murder song bands (Voltaire, Coppelius, the Cog is Dead, American Murder Song)