If you boot to an Ubuntu iso, you can use arch-chroot to set up everything you need correctly. Done this many times when I borked my Arch boot process
If you boot to an Ubuntu iso, you can use arch-chroot to set up everything you need correctly. Done this many times when I borked my Arch boot process
What the company likes about the old timer is that because he has been there for 10 years, he will likely be there for the next 10 years to support the complicated system he is creating now. If a younger team member creates something using a modern approach, there is the risk they will leave in a years time and no one knows how the system works.
Jonathan the zombie is going to be very unhappy about this ☹️
While watching this there were a few times where I thought "Hey, this actually looks really good", then I realised that was the RTX off shot. The RTX on shots just didn't do it for me as much as they did for games like Quake 2.
I think that HL2 just already had great baked lighting that adding ray tracing doesn't make it feel much different.
This is my biggest reason for not buying the latest gen consoles. They lean heavily towards digital downloads, and I want to be able to unpack the console in 20 years for nostalgia and play a game without worrying if the game store is still available to download it.
There are physical disc versions, but I get the feeling even there the games won't work out of the box without and internet connection to the online server/store
I'm jealous of that download speed. Took me an hour to download and during that time my wife decided we had to go out for dinner. So now I don't get to play until after work tomorrow 😔
I recently watched a YouTube video of someone making Kombucha and when they added in the large amount of sugar I thought that there is no way it is "healthy". Ive never tried kombucha so I don't know how sweet it should be, but I'm hoping that recipe was the outlier
Give Hive Time a go. It has been a while since I played it in its early days but it was a fun bee hive management game.
The author is quite a fan of bees so I imagine he has done them justice.
Zekenskyy should play a reverse Uno card and "invade" Russia at that point. Start rebuilding a better, more democratic Soviet Union. But I would want Putin to be alive at that point so he can see others succeed where he failed, by doing the complete opposite of him.