
joined 2 years ago
[–] SirDankbud 10 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

I'd recommend Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke. I first read it at that age and its been my favourite sci fi short read ever since.

[–] SirDankbud 7 points 1 day ago

This reminds me of my wife! The dating profile picture that got me interested was very similar to this one. Instead of a drumstick, she was biting a deer tongue she had taken from her first solo hunt. Friday marks our ten year anniversary and I could not be happier with this kind of trad wife.

[–] SirDankbud 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Yes. I live on one of the major roads he's removing the bike lane from and the entire neighbourhood is pissed. He's always looking for creative ways to punish Toronto because we don't vote for him.

He's only in power because ignorant and biased media like the article above convinced suburbanites to vote for him. His support in the cities and rural Canada is dismal but he keeps winning by offering things he can't actually provide like one dollar beers and cheap gas.

[–] SirDankbud 6 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Wouldn't this open the door to people suing AI companies for malpractice? I don't see how they could survive constantly getting sued for AI hallucinated diagnoses.

[–] SirDankbud 13 points 6 days ago (5 children)

This headline is very misleading. Ford already has a majority government allowing him to do whatever he wants and plenty of time left in his term. This election is about getting ahead of the federal election. Traditionally Ontario likes to vote in premieres that belong to the party opposite of whomever is running the country federally. Right now the federal conservatives lead the polls and a we know a federal election is coming before the end of the year. Doug Ford knows he needs to have an election ahead of that or his chances of remaining in power are slim. Tariffs are just a convenient boogeyman he's using to try and stay in power longer. He even made sure to send everyone a 200 bucks and timed it so people got it shortly before he announced this election.

Before he started this "Canada is not for sale" bullshit, his slogan for our province was "Ontario, open for business". Please don't fall for it. Ford's demolition of our health care has directly harmed several people close to me and his anti-worker bill 124 took thousands out of my pocket despite it being declared unconstitutional.

[–] SirDankbud 61 points 6 days ago (2 children)

My dad is a Tim Curry doppleganger. When I told him I will never watch Rocky Horror again due to that resemblance, he proceeded to show me a photo album of him cosplaying Frank-N-Furter.

Got nothing but love for Tim Curry's work. Sadly just the mention of his name evokes images of my dad wearing women's lingerie. Hopefully some of you find it as funny as my wife does.

[–] SirDankbud 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Click on the [7] and follow the link. Its all there if you are genuinely looking. It connects to a very in depth analysis.

[–] SirDankbud 5 points 1 week ago

Not sure if this is the case in other countries, but universities here in Canada tend to employ unionozed workers and have a huge variety in positions. I'm a unionized groundskeeper and its an infinitely better gig than any other landscaping work I've done.

When searching for a union job, be mindful that many employers are anti-union and unions vary in their efficacy. Try to avoid unions that have already been castrated by bad deals, or ones that constantly have to strike for basic concessions.

When you succeed at getting a union job, I highly recommend showing up at meetings and considering a leadership role if you have the chops. A union is only as strong as its active members.

[–] SirDankbud 40 points 1 week ago

I've been asking people this a lot lately just to be sure there's no fascists in my orbit. Thankfully everyone has answered Nazis so far.

[–] SirDankbud 15 points 1 week ago

I find these articles pretty funny and out of touch with every human being I know. I saw the media shit on the Switch 2, but it was exactly what I expected so I asked all my friends with a switch how they felt. Every single one plans on buying the new one at or near release. Many will be buying two so they can play with spouses or their kids. The tally for purchases in my small middle-aged friend group alone is over 50. Nintendo releases too many amazing exclusive games for us to ignore. I know I can turn to emulation, but I prefer to do that for older games that already made their profit so I can support the devs that make me happy.

[–] SirDankbud 1 points 1 week ago

I don't recall saying anything about even attempting to change his behaviour, anyone with half a brain knows that's a lost cause. The point is being a thorn in his side. He clearly cares or he wouldn't invest the time and money into these games.

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