I love how they think demos will never be in charge again. Boy are the tears gonna flow when they do the same shit.
joined 2 weeks ago
Wow, who tf is this? She's amazing.
Oh I've seen it I just wasn't looking at it right. I don't know how i didn't see it the first time
What the fuck is that supposed to be on the right?
I ain't in the business of living under Nazi rule partner.
Can't they recall him for brain damage ?
Then I guess you don't have bloody eyes now do you? So what is watching rumble going to do for a trash can OCEAN?
Rumble if you are racist white trash....
Welcome to the modern Salem witch trials... that one's a witch!
"now faces charges of illegally disclosing classified information" well if that isn't fucking irony, I don't know what is.
Thanks G