Drinks tend to be drinkable.
Is there a punchline to this I’m missing?
For context, this article is from the conservative/libertarian Reason.com, and it addresses some conservative counter-arguments.
Alas, I’ve read tons of comments, even on this community, about how the US is “too big” for trains or walkable cities to work. I think the car-centric mindset cuts across the political spectrum — or put another way, the topic hasn’t been fully politicized yet.
It’s worth noting that in most other rich countries, pedestrian deaths have been falling. And before anyone says something stupid about how America is uniquely big or new, even Canada has 60% fewer traffic fatalities.
I think hobbies by itself isn’t the right advice. Practicing chess, photography, or guitar alone in your house isn’t going to feel less monotonous. The next step is to join a chess club, organize a photo walk, find some people to jam on the guitar with. There’s always new things to explore within hobbies when other people are involved.
I don’t know much, but “just wait out the striker” is a skill too, no? The judoka seemed good at feinting and dodging punches, which isn’t something you practice in judo.
It depends on who is moving. It doesn’t help Dems to run up the score in California and New York, so having people leave might actually help. If some of those educated progressive knowledge workers move to cities in the south, it could make a huge difference.
I’m sure some did, but there’s no reason to think a leaver of NYC is vastly more likely to move upstate. I’m sure most would move to another city, for one thing, because most people live in cities in general, and all the more if you once lived in NYC.
All the exceptions are fake. How long does a rape conviction take to secure, assuming the perp is actually found guilty at all? Longer than a few weeks, that’s for sure!
That part stuck out to me too. The party of limited regulation and small government always seems to have the most onerous and demanding regulations and oppressive governments.
Yeah, flying cars are even worse than land cars. Imagine how much less efficient parking and take off would be. Imagine all those cars circling the sky waiting to park. Would we need to cut down all the urban trees? Would we build even bigger parking lots? Huge runways and landing pads everywhere? It sounds like hell.