There’s still some good people. And to some extent, institutions are about the systems that are in place, not just specific people. Quality and quantity is definitely lower, but the mission and vibe feel pretty similar for now.
“Combat” is not the main reason for the 10,000+ deaths in Gaza. It stretches credulity to call bombing a refugee camp full of children “combat”.
I seriously doubt the pull out of Afghanistan and the support of Israel is causing voters to prefer Trump in battleground states. Especially Afghanistan, which literally no one is talking about anymore. Maybe Israel policy has an effect, but I suspect pro-Palestinian sentiment is sadly pretty low outside of the Lemmy bubble.
People are pessimistic about inflation, the economy, gas prices, affordability and all the bummer news in general. They blame the president. “Feelings” about the economy are one of the most reliable predictors of presidential elections.
There’s a systemic weakness on the left: the left wins by changing things for the better, whereas the right wins through fear. But people in general seem to have a pessimism bias when it comes to the government.
The Biden administration has been extremely productive and has somehow managed to pass major legislation despite a split congress. Corporate regulation and anti-trust action has been the most aggressive in half a century.
Polling errors happen. Even a 95% accurate poll is bound to be wrong 1 in 20 times. This poll is such a massive outlier that the prudent thing to do is wait for more polling.
That said, I don’t doubt that Americans feel grumpy right now and they’re blaming the incumbent. I do cautiously doubt this degree of grumpiness amongst these demographic groups.
Nope Nate no longer works at 538. He left (with his model!) in protest against massive budget cuts and he’s planning his next project.
The Numbers podcast and its French counterpart Les Chiffres are like FiveThirtyEight for Canada. Highly recommended.
The hosts are the two biggest election statisticians in Canada: Éric Grenier, who does polling analysis for the CBC, and Philippe Fournier, who runs 338Canada.
Even gun loving conservative scholars agree that the 2nd amendment is a barely coherent grammatically tenuous mess. It’s notoriously unclear.
But for my part, I don’t see how any sane person reads “A well regulated Militia” and concludes that all regulation is prohibited.
As good a guess as any. I also don't get the "my sense of humour is broken". Is this a meta-joke? Anti-humour? It almost feels random.
Why not? It’s like saying, “Witches don’t exist, but if they did, it’s ridiculous to think that they can make love potions.” I would even go so far as to say leaving “shadows” behind is a standard part of rapture lore.
I guess I’m just a lot less confident about how rapture physics works than some folks.
Whether you personally think that’s the correct interpretation, if you’re intellectually honest you should at least be able to admit, as many conservative legal scholars themselves admit, that the wording is ambiguous.