Vim has its own plugin system that can provide all of the things on your list. Most people used to use a plugin manager like vim-plug or pathogen, but plugins can also be installed manually.
With vim 8 there is built in plugin management. Just open the editor and type
:help packages
Plugins (including the plugin managers which are plugins themselves) get installed in your user's home directory, so you can install them yourself without affecting other users or involving the sysadmins who are giving you pushback on installing other applications system-wide.
Proving that the easiest way for Democratic lawmakers to bring the Republican agenda to a screeching halt is to show a baseline level of support for the one transperson they've actually met.
They won't on a wider scale though, showing just how little they care either for Trans folk or for stopping the Magats.
Israel's record on that one is going to be tough to beat.
Seems like a decent high-level overview, but would have appreciated some hard numbers and details to back it up. For example, what type of cancer does it typically cause? Esophageal? What is the prevalence on a population level?
Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe
We had one, but there was a schism over the location of the Brunswick Shrine. That kicked off a round of mutual excommunications. By the time it was over, the mod had accidentally excommunicated (blocked) themself and everyone else had blocked each other.
So start one! Or five! May a thousand communities bicker for the greater glory of Eris Discordia. Kallisti!
Unfortunately, the headline overstates their support:
transgender and gender nonconforming students shall be permitted to participate in physical education classes and intramural sports in a manner consistent with their gender identity. Participation in competitive athletic activities and contact sports will be resolved on a case-by-case basis.
So "play" yes, but "compete" is still very much a question mark.
Fucking finally!
If only there was any will at all to do this at the federal level.