Or say the word "cisgender”
Yeah, because remote suburbs are just perfect for disabled people with mobility issues. 👍
I love that "wait until the enemy is drunk to attack" is totally a valid military strategy.
It worked for George Washington against the Hessians!
A couple shitheads in this thread. 😂
Reminder that you can click on a person's username and then block them pretty easily!
Stable Diffusion Web U by Automatic1111 is pretty excellent for doing image generation on your own hardware.
During the pandemic, I tried Super Metroid for the first time ever. I just wanted to play a little bit of it to get a feel for it. It caught me hook, line, and sinker. If you missed out and are at all into retro gaming, can't recommend it highly enough.
The way I've found it (on kbin) is that there's a column on the right-hand side of comment thread pages. One of the boxes in the right-hand column is labeled "Magazine" and there should be a black button that's labeled "Subscribe" somewhere.
Yeah, spez has really shot the golden goose (the free engaged moderation staff).
And welcome!
Yeah, I've certainly found myself subscribing to any and every magazine that looks even remotely like it could be interesting. Getting inundated isn't a problem around these parts just yet. But the volume definitely has gone up recently.
We're early adopters. Early adopters have a higher tolerance for (and ability to deal with) things like bugs, confusing UI, uncertainty, and probably continual change for the short term.
But hey, someone's gotta do it. The end result of this will be an established community and a more polished product. Over time, more and more people will show up as this place gets better and better, and Reddit continues to worsen. (Everyone knows that old.reddit is going away, it's just a matter of when.)
Do you know what the format of the data they send is? Would be interesting to write a script to allow someone to recreate their content somewhere else if they were so inclined.
I have (had?) plenty of friends on Twitter who loudly proudly boycotted the Harry Potter game due to JKR's comments about trans people.
But they’ve stayed on Twitter despite its horrible owner and how he runs things.
I’m willing to give a pass to creators who make a living off their online audience. If the audience went off Twitter, so would they.
Everyone else, though? I don’t ever care to hear about what they're boycotting again if they can’t pull themselves off Twitter.