California doesnt deserve federal funds to aid in a natural disaster?? Then I dont wanna see SHIT the next time florida goes underwater or texas gets snowed in. Deal with it yourselves or change your ways. 🤷
The counter point to this definitely being, what happens when Trump ages out? He is going to be replaced, and his replacement could be far younger, with more ambition and efficiency in pursuing political goals. The Trump movement (basically conservative fascism) will not die with him, its going to be championed by the right as their own political goals. Its not Trump im afraid of, its all the people/minds that he has influenced and put in positions of power.
Not to be dismissive of whatever it is he did to be charged with it, but it does sound like admitting to it and "serving" the time so to speak kinda helped everyone move on from it so he can continue making great content. Channel 5 is actually, honestly, the only news i can trust. Lol
He might have, i dont know enough about it to comment. But he definitely is making content again, and its very high quality for how low budget it is.
I literally came here to say this. Im so happy someone beat me to the punch lmao.
If anyone hasnt, i fully recommend the Channel 5 w/ Andrew Callaghan episode where they travel to West Bank/Israel and get real eyewitness accounts of everything. There is a full segment there by an American journalist that was targeted by israel among a bunch of other journalists. Israel is without a doubt committing war crimes.
Im upvoting this comment per one of the last bullet points. User insightfully commented about perhaps drinking a beer, heck maybe even two in a way that positively sparked discussion.
Okay I've done the free discord nitro a couple of times and i gotta say... It was surprisingly easy to cancel. Billing and subscriptions tab in discord ---> nitro subscription cancel service button. Thats it. It's hardly as bad as the rest of them, and so it is a little surprising seeing them go to court over it.
I understand the point in OPs post, but I disagree with it based upon evidence we have available to us. I think first and foremost it is important to mention (I dont have the studies linked but it shouldnt be hard to find) that teenage drug use overall is trending downward, with that including underage alcohol use/abuse. If younger generations use it less, the problems caused by alcoholism will be less prevalent as time goes on. Secondly, weve been putting up with drunk drivers for a while but (as our younger generations have been told for about 20 years now) the consequences for drunk or impaired operation of a motor vehicle have become more and more severe. I do believe alcoholism is something that can and will be phased out given enough time. The only thing that is still a mystery is what vice is going to replace it, and whether it is going to be better or worse.
I've noticed (and this is very dependent on the area youre driving in) that sometimes if you want to move back over into the left lane you can use your blinker to signal and MAYBE someone in that lane is aware enough and theyll let you in. Again this really depends on your area and whether the drivers in that area actually respond to turn signals or not.
Better than The Donvict on the cover thats for fucking sure.
Were all just hairy monkeys "ooging" into the void, friend. I absolutely feel this in my bones, and frankly i do think its a lack of education and other factors contributing to it. Throughout our recent history (lets say about 50 years) education dept budgets have been getting slashed, burned, and changed, especially in the south. I always find it very interesting to see how the attitudes and perspectives of voters have changed throughout the years. Anyone in politics in the 80-90s era never saw natural disasters as a partisan issue, it actually was more of a reason to throw politics aside and help your fellow countrymen. Because we lived in the same country meant we should act UNIFIED against any threat, natural or otherwise. Nowadays it seems to be everyone for themselves, or try to convince a democrat to help so you can stab them in the back in 2 years.