Danke für die Empfehlung. Wollte kurz Nachfragen wie du anhand des Bildes die Unbeschichteten Sticker erkannt hast.
Oder sind das einfach die, die halt tendenziell nicht reißen, so wie ein Plastiketikett auf einer Flasche?
Danke für die Empfehlung. Wollte kurz Nachfragen wie du anhand des Bildes die Unbeschichteten Sticker erkannt hast.
Oder sind das einfach die, die halt tendenziell nicht reißen, so wie ein Plastiketikett auf einer Flasche?
Thank you for the input! I might do that in case I don't have time to get all of them removed.
Just hiding them doesn't sit quite right with me somehow. Don't know if that makes sense for you.
That wasn't something I considered yet. But how realistitc that is obviously comes down to price and the weather resistance of those substances. Have you used those before, or are that only suggestions?
Absolutely! But putting stickers above theirs feels extremly weird.
Dunno why, maybe its just me thinking, that I am covering up the problem, not getting rid of it. (You know, like I wish we would do with the nazis)
Late doesn't matter ^^
I haven't even checked yet, if there even are new stickers already. Thx for the Idea of course, but it's hard to imagine that I could let it sit for a while, since the stuff is on a vertical surface, will try it anyway.
Time will tell.
Ah, thx for the explanation!
Of course, repurposing as much as possible should be a given, we don't have that many oils laying around though.
Oh, damn xD What did you grind down to its base particles? Hopefully nothing important! The problem is still with the verticality of the entire thing, that makes it kind of annoying to "let it work" cause its gonna flow away pretty fast :/
That looks pretty interesting, haven't really considered those yet. I would love to leave as few marks as possible and don't really know how easily that is doable with a multitool. (Haven't used on yet) In case I find someone near me that happens to own one, I will see if it works for that purpose!
Certainly! I guess an automatic wildlife camera wouldn't be all bad. When it comes to punishment though they did absolutely put down
Ku Klux Klan™ White-ass-Power Stickers!
They are not trying to hide shit. XD
Willst raten? xD So präsent habe Ich sowas auch noch nicht gesehen, aber im Osten wird das immer schlimmer. Beim betrachten der interaktiven Karte für die Kommunalwahlen/Europawahl in 2024 habe Ich mich schon sehr geschämt!
Ich verstehe wie es einem hier nach härterem Werkzeug langt, vor allem weil der Automat schon einiges abbekommen hat. Da aber irgendwer vor mir schon einmal ähnliche Sticker ziemlich ordentlich entfernt hat, möchte Ich das auch ein bisschen würdigen, und möglichst nicht noch mehr Spuren im Lack hinterlassen, als ohnehin schon da sind.
Auch Danke für die Warnung! Ich passe schon irgendwie auf, eine Maske wegen des Lösmittels hilft schon ein kleines bisschen, und Tagsüber, gerade wenn man nicht alleine ist, sollte da auch nichts passieren. Ich wette für die Kamera Sache gibts Präzedenzfälle, aber für den Fall, dass da wirklich eine ist, und die mich rankriegen wollen Dafür... dann weiß Ich auch nicht mehr ^^
_______ machine-translated (DeepL) ________
Want to guess? xD I haven't seen anything like this in the east (of germany), but it's getting worse and worse. When I looked at the interactive map for the local elections/European elections in 2024, I was very ashamed!
I can see how you might be longing for tougher tools here, especially because the machine has already taken a beating. But since someone before me has already removed similar stickers quite neatly, I would like to pay tribute to that a little and, if possible, not leave any more traces in the paint than are already there.
Thanks for the warning too! I'll take care somehow, a mask should help a little bit because of the solvent, and during the day, especially if you're not alone, nothing should happen. I bet there are precedents for the camera thing, but in case there really is one and they want to get me for that... then I don't know anymore ^^
Thanks for the reply!
Wiping the slate clean is technically a solution, and a quick one for sure.
And I know, that I didnt specify that I would like the machine to look "normal" after I am done. Yeah I know, they already did quite the number on it with their own paint. Picture related.
The goal is to keep the machine looking as usual, and just not have everyone thats buying a ticket stand right in front of NS-Propaganda
When it comes to additive approaches, putting a few less hateful stickers on the thing is probably the most I would consider ^^
Making it thicker sounds like a plan! And thanks, I'll try and do my part ;)