The bad faith actors used to outnumber the good. That's why Wikipedia's reputation has never recovered, and they've never been able to beat the allegations. However, Wikipedia fixed what was wrong with their system of citing and verifying information contributed by others years ago. And X's Community Notes system has a similar mechanism in place that has proven to be equally as effective and verifiable.
A valid argument, and a practice that should absolutely be encouraged in and of itself. When it comes to cancel Culture, and weaponizing hearsay and defamation to try to actively sabotage an entire company or a person without evidence or due process, that's one thing I think has gotten out of hand. But the practice of voting with your wallet is your right, healthy for our economy and the businesses that contribute to it, and is not inherently predatory or antagonistic, unlike what Cancel Culture has become.
The anonymous fact-checking is the main thing PEOPLE took issue with. Like, oh I'm supposed to believe your anonymous fact-checkers know better than me or my trusted sources on what's true/false, but you refuse to identify or provide the credentials of those fact-checkers, so their integrity and validity can be certified?
But it's not the anonymous strangers arbitrarily sifting the wheat from the chaff willy nilly, and with no evidence to support their claims, that were the problem /s. , The problem was CLEARLY the people who took issue with an anonymous rando who has the power to declare a reputable source of info is lying, can not be disputed on that front (even in the many instances of them being wrong), and whose credentials can not be verified but is still supposed to be arbitrarily accepted as the supreme arbiter of reality and fiction.
Bought and paid for by a soulless corporation. I'll take "extreme dought" for $500. I was more likely to believe in Santa Clause than an anonymous figure who had no credentials or checks and balances of any kind.
This is actually crazy, on the part of the UK police. I knew the UK government are more like that nosy old granny with binoculars than we have it in the States when it comes to stuff like Facebook and etc, but damn. I will allow that school shooting threats are serious, but in and of itself, actively trying to interrogate someone and demanding their SNS is a new level of invasive imo.
Our University is a cosmic machine that has been running for billions of years, and as an IT guy reboots a computer when it's been running for too long and has problems, will inevitably implode on itself and tear itself apart, which is the equivalent of God turning it off and on again.
I didn't find anything. But I also work 40 plus hours a week, so that doesn't necessarily mean there's not something out there. But it's more likely the case that this might not be true, from what I know.
I feel like we're at a point where we've got to recognize and acknowledge that a country whose government implements laws at the behest of multi-million dollar corporations, due to those corporations buying the politicians that lobby for them, and in which the only laws that get past are the ones desired by multi-million dollar corporations is no longer a capitalistic country, but an oligarchy.
We still say we're capitalistic country, but the distinction is one in which a country by and large is governed by a small group of people/business Executives (oligarchy), from one in which there is a separation of power between the government and the corporations that do business in it (capitalist).
Our legal system is so heavily influenced by the whims of corporations as to be the former. When citizens are unable to have politicians implement laws that serve the interest of the working-class people, because corporations wield such influence over our lawmakers as to block working-class citizens from effecting change, and only having policies implemented that financially benefit corporations, then we are no longer a capitalistic society. We are an oligarchy plain and simple.
Make sure nobody gives them the idea that giving someone a lobotomy or ECT may be the equivalent of repossessing someone's "knowledge". The bastard politicians might actually do it!
All the people down voting this comments are the ones who u ironically NEEDED to go to college to learn critical thinking, interpersonal communication, how to debate, and how to prove/disprove rationally.
I stand corrected then. You can ignore all my bloviating.
You fucking idiots who argue "anything done by the Right no matter how tame is violence, and anything done by the Left no matter how abusive or violent is righteous" are apparently all over this platform. I joined this app cause I was curious about this platform that claimed to be Reddit Lite, but now I see this place is just an echo chamber for Left-leaning gaslighting narcissists.
You won't even acknowledge that a right-wing protest in which no one attempted to perpetrated an act of violence is not "violence", or acknowledge that you are blatantly determining what constitutes violence solely upon the political party that someone claims, and not upon the actions being perpetrated and then gaslighting people about it. So, go fuck yourselves. 😘