Too bad they won't sell them in the US. We desperately need small affordable EVs that rival China's offerings. I wonder how easy it'd be to block the ID2's telemetry antennas.
What would you recommend for a Galaxy XCover 6 Pro? I don't mind getting out of Google's ecosystem.
Android Safety Core doesn't show up when you search for it in the Play Store.
Adding a small red light by the toilet might remedy this. You get to aim properly and it might not mess with your ability to go back to sleep.
I just played it for the first time 4 months ago and it still holds up incredibly well. The art direction definitely helps cut down on the expanded rendering capabilities of modern PCs. While you'll still have some reduced resolutions of distant landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, you'll barely notice it as the distance is often covered by buildings, trees, hills, Nazi fortifications, and so on.
You should read Feed by MT Anderson. It's a cyberpunk story where almost everyone has a computer implanted in their brain. One of the few characters who doesn't immediately fails his job interview because he couldn't get a DM from the guy sitting across his desk.
Shit. Patient zero for the next big pandemic's gonna be American isn't it?
Might wanna throw in the non voters too. They heavily contributed to this mess.
Our data's just too valuable for these parasites. Data privacy laws may eventually pass to compel software companies to store everything in US servers only.
You are a hero.