How is the pay?
True comrades doesn't need to hang Stalin portraits in their homes as they keep Stalin in their hearts.
Then there are descriptions of british wounded returning to casualty clearing stations. I’ll quote the article- “many were slightly wounded in their hands and feet. They were wonderful in their gaiety and courage, all grinning as though just come from a “jolly” in which they had been bumped a little”. In general the reporting really tones down the horrors of war and emphasise enemy casualties and the heroic adventure that war supposedly is.
I think modern propaganda would have told that story differently, in a "look at how they made our boy sad!" way.
They would have done an interview with a single wounded soldier and humanised him by mentioning how he thinks of his family back home and worry about them. They would make us feel sad for him individually for having had his hand blown off. Then they would have had him say something optimistic about how he hopes for victory and the article would end with a barely concealed demand to send more tanks and machine guns to the front.
Add 5.9 million Palestinian refugees to that list as well. The Zionist settlers are a minority in Palestine.