I watched an execution in Tacoma last summer.
Guy was running from the cops in a truck, flips a bitch, does some light bumper cars off traffic tries to take a corner, right in front of us (standing in a parking lot, just came out of the store), too fast, not buckled and gets thrown out of the truck which careens into a gas station.
Dude is obvs high. Cops pull up, state patrol, non lethal guns out, they're hiding behind their cars. Dudes sitting in his ass, throws them the finger and tells them to fuck off, rolls like 3 times over and dumps his stash in the storm drain. It's clear as day what he did.
There's a girl in the same parking lot screaming, "He's unarmed!" Over and over and over again.
The local police arrive and they swarm the guy with tasers. We were leaving at that point, I counted 5 cops actively tasing him.
Heart attack. Natural causes according to the police report.
Regardless of the chase, regardless of his indignation, none of that equals lethal force. It's as if we took all Americas serial killers and put them on payroll.
There is no situation I can imagine where I would call the police. I'll handle my safety myself, I'm 45min away from the nearest station anyway. There's no protection they're offering that is worth the risk they themselves bring to me.
ACAB. Fuck the police. Fuck this entire society, bring the boogaloo. No one would look around and decide this is a society they would create. No one. It's way past time to stop fighting for it.
New houses are fucking garbage, what are you talking about? You aren't from the trades, clearly.
The only thing new houses have on old - speaking in generalizations - is a warranty - which is really what's at issue here. And as it plays out, it's super fucked up
The main number one metric for housing is livability. New houses are all glue and wood shavings. Literally what's swept up after tree delamination for plywood. I've seen it. I've swept it up. I don't even want to know the VOC release from OSB over time. If there's ANY traceable amount (and of course there is) then the fact that I have to spend thousands putting in a RADON bypass cuz the ground wants to kill me for standing on it now yet swimming pools of profits from industry remain untouched and not held responsible. Yea...no. Old walls are best walls. Gypsum is nice but plaster isn't out of reach. Old framing is best framing. Old wood floors can be found inches thick, no nailing. Carpet? Vinyl? Linoleum is only the best...NOFX song...arguably...Gen Z is suuuuper good. And Eat the Meek, New Boobs, Kill all the White Men, Creeping Out Sara, Idiots are Taking Over. Fuck. NOFX is just best, everything, really. Fat Mike seems like a cool ass dude to hang out with.
Um. Back on it..
PEX cannot be good for you, and even if not bad - yet - it's not going to kill microbes like copper piping will - "upgrade" your pipes back to copper people, as a matter.of health). +1 old home
Hmm...Hardy board, that's a modern win. Except it dulls your carbide immediately. That shits awesome for siding and water containment. +1 new homes
Modern windows are better. Without question.
Modern wiring wins over obvs.
Whatever. The WARRENTY. Don't be the second owner of a new house. Do. Not. Do. It. Motherfucking chosen class gets zero percent interest rates and carried into new development, just to move 7 years later right before the "25yr" roof mysteriously needs to be replaced at 10years, just outside it's warranty. I can't tell you how many times I've seen this. 1st owners have no costs going into house. 2nd owners, night shift, if you will, gets caught out, besides paying more for the house than the original owners did almost a decade ago, are going to have to absorb that extra 50k in repairs, essentially insuring 2nd owners NEVER rise above their position. Modern red-lining. Fuck bankers. Usury guarantees you're going to hell. Fuck old money. Fuck everything -lord. Put feudalism back down, THAT SHIT IS BAD. The media only serves to persuade you of an opinion the owning class wants you to have without informing you of opposing opinions.
Did you know there are more houses in the UK and USA to the population than ever before? We've never had MORE housing....and yet...crisis...? That doesn't make NeoLiberal sense...I was told...
Lies. You were told lies.
The amount of housing, that's true. Thatcher and Reagen really changed the game tho. If you were born past 1980, your future was already sacrificed before the better part of you hit your parents sheets.
Before Thatcher less than 10% of housing in the UK was rented. It was considered one of the most successful postwar decisions, to promote security and autonomy in the citizenry...and now? The housing crisis is literally at the heart of every single crisis the western world is having, the entire world over. It's vampiric. Cannabalizing the economy and lowering GDP for NO FUCKING REASON.
I am not against rentals - AFTER everyone has been housed. Let people have vacation homes, sure. Shit. My grandfather put 3 kids thru school, golfed thrice a week, stay at home wife, two car garage, bought his kids cars, my father raced motocross semi pro (thousands of trophies - that probably cost a house in itself) and was still able to buy a vacation home off his sole income (just so you don't lose sight in how much economic freedom neoliberalism has stolen from the working class). I'm also not against private insurance - as Cadillac insurance. Capitalists have proven, beyond a rational doubt, that if they're allowed monopoly to provide a neccesity (by that I mean, only private sector agents) than the rest of us are steadily more and more fucked. This is exemplified in the Simpsons. Homer went from bumbling idiot to upper middle class. Nothing about them changed, it's just every year it gets harder. 2020 was the easiest year of the decade - bank on that - and that's pretty fucking harrowing if you ask me.
Private farming...who has an issue against the farmer? No one. People have issues with being fleeced. See Netflix 10 years ago to the streaming shit cacophony today. Yar me matey, seems like some things are back in fashion. If farmers decide to fleece on a starving population, I won't be sympathetic when the farmers are served up with their wheat. Treat people with respect. It's fundamental to social cohesion. Exploitation is not.
My point, ultimately, is that people are people and people are entirely predictable. Our problems are manufactured by greedy people in power who've been using mass media to propagandized obedience while they return wealth to preplague levels of serfdom. And they e overplayed their hand, and they know it, everyone knows it - that's why everyone's just waiting for when the violence to start. Not if, when. People, again, are entirely predictable. Frankly, imo, we'll be much better off when notions of social engineering and social darwinism go the same way route as phrenology.