Them guys and their final solutions, amirite?
Oh. And I am. Right, that is
By summery judgement no less, cuz these guys are most definitely NOT right
Them guys and their final solutions, amirite?
Oh. And I am. Right, that is
By summery judgement no less, cuz these guys are most definitely NOT right
All so he could respond to something he wasn't needed at
Fuck SPD.
This is 100% 2nd degree murder
Exactly. There's no way either A. Texas secedes handing Democrats an insurmountable lead in all federal elections or 2. Texas secedes and every other red state, knowing they'd be forever in the minority, secedes with them. USA laughs. Confederates said fight wasn't fair after artillery shelled their positions from 900 miles away. "But mah shotgun.."
Cuz legally "compact" isn't a thing and they know it, their language is intentional. If it was a real judicial thing you bet yr ass they'd be calling it that. This is all smoke and whistles. Testing the Overton window with pre-secessionist speak.
Faced with Janice in front of me like that, I would just never stop.
I am not against taxation. Tho, I am against taxation when my government doesn't represent me; and until I see studies, and enacted legislation that show public support influences policy than I will continue my position that our government has been coopted by an unfriendly occupying force. It's as if at the macro level, we're quartering the soldiers of our own oppression.
I hate throwing good money after bad, absolutely. And where do you live that spends money on their roads? Firefighters are famously and shamefully volunteer services and health care..that's an institutionalized shell game to grift your life saving away from you. You didn't think they'd let you keep that did you? Back to work, prole.
It helps when you acknowledge that the 3.7% tells us nothing.
The government changed the way unemployment is calculated in 1994, so it doesn't count full time seeking people out of work for more than 3 months - the 'chronically' dispossessed. They put the onus on the individual, absolving their system of any defect. "Clearly" they aren't applying enough or trying hard enough, otherwise they wouldn't be unemployed
Do you ever get the feeling that these definitions are written by people whove never experienced what they're defining? Some admins child/nephew/hush money babysitter dropped into a government stipend, by right of birth, or access to those with capital.
Unfortunately when the data gets crunched the old fashioned way, real unemployment is hovering around 24.6%
Which is much more likely, imo, as inflation has made large swathes of lower pay work unteneble for anyone not hyperlocal. Pair this with the pandemic training on financial subsistence living, of those who are sidestepping the system.
We live in an era of income inequality greater than at any other known in modern western history. It was easier to buy a house during the great depression. One set of facts seems in line with that, and one doesn't. I wonder why that would be..
Fact. The body only has objective on the day; survive. Everything else is what we add on top of our imperitive.
You woke up. You started your day as a winner. That's been gifted to you, and unfortunately some people go out of their way to make you forget, and after enough abuse, sometimes we just do that part for them, for efficiencies sake.
In the end, entropies always going to win. If nothing else, I'll keep winning as long as I can, and do my part in our collective chorus "Not today, Entropy, not today".
If I could not be me, then I would be Diogenes. All y'all can get out of my sun.
Only if that jello is made from ground up marrow tho. Seaweed is looking super sus atm
Unless you're using the 10th to cite Privacy...
Exactly. Cue the accelerationists.
BLM was the largest continued protest in American history. Democrats took a knee on the capital steps and changed a street name in DC. And that's it.
I've been told since 2008 the recession is over. the news story ≠ real life. Idk anybody any better off today than they were in 2008. Everyone's a bad week from homelessness. 99% of Americans, with 2 educated working full time adults do not earn the purchasing power of just one of their grandfather's.
And the people are seeeeeeeething. We are a nation full of veterans and cosplaytriots, with more guns than people. The rich are naive to think they'll survive the purge, all that needs to be said is 'keep what you kill' and the gene pool will be bleached.
I don't even blame the accelerationists. Change doesn't occur gradually or thru voting. Change happens in a pen stroke, under duress from public dissent. As it always has. Incrementalism is just the rich whittling our rights away, the rights paid for in our ancestors blood. A whole lot of good men died for the 8hr day, the 40hr work week, to ensure machinery got physically disconnected before servicing.
Liberals are corporatists conciliatory to change, but they'll never lead change because its the right thing to do. Their morality is making money, and that's it. That's why they lose, cuz they stand for nothing. Puppets to profits, merely a meat shield to deflect the owning class it's proper hatred.
He was too good for this world, and we are all lesser for his absence.