
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It is EXACTLY that. PE is the main driver behind the rise in health care, the rise in elder care, the rise in medicine, the rise in child care, and now the rise in housing.

And just for funsies PE, since 2008, has essentially rolled up EVERYONES retirement into their billfold, teachers, 401k's, nurses unions, for 2 reasons. 1. easy money, the person who makes the most off your retirement account isn't you. The PE firm take you for over a third of its lifetime value. It's.fucked. and B. Insurance against regulations. If they go down...they're taking everyone with them. It's.SUPER.fucked!

The sooner they go down the faster we can work on fixing the hundreds of millions of destroyed lives (in America alone). Capitalism is digging it's own grave. It'll end up a swear word. Calling someone a banker will be grounds for a fight. I'll personally guarantee that last going around fighting all the bankers.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Oh I agree, you dig for dirt, you'll find it, guarenteed. Whether or not it's actually connected and not happenstance, that's a different story.

You only need you and 23 other people in a room to find two people with the same birthday. Coincidence is much more common than we think, just like true random doesn't feel like random to us, and if something doesnt make sense, the brain can basically retcon on the spot and you'll believe it as dogma to your core.

It's important to be aware of and to acknowledge our limitations, for sure. Crazy important.

But let's keep playing. Take my comment and strike out everything about the buildings falling and I'm still calling it sus.

Were we just that unlucky that the first ever stress test of NORAD happened to coincide? Maybe, it's a possibility, an extremely small one. 1/18687 to be exact. Not very probable.

How about the missile into the Pentagon that was broadcast on live TV? The gas station footage was broadcast not the actual live event. Story goes reporters found a single camera that hadn't already been seized and was pointing in the right direction.

So I'm a poli sci guy. Where normal people flow sports teams or celebrities, I follow politics. Global politics as well as domestic, both federal and my state. It's just what I do. Easily I've read 50+ articles a day since 1997. EASILY. That day was the first day for me at a new tree service, and I was the first guy to arrive at the arborists house before we rolled out and I delivered the news of the attack. Guys started showing up, we had the news flipped on and BAM 2nd Impact. Work was called off that day, after that. The Pentagon news came about 2 hours later, we were all still sitting in the arborists living room, just watching when the footage played, so 5 sets of eyes saw it and I said bullshit that's a plane. 2 guys were ex military, they went off, about wreckage, how small the impact is. I can not forget that memory, besides the 2nd tower falling, the Pentagon lie, a quick oopsies they hoped ppl would forget if they just lied loud enough and fast enough, that redacting in real time, really set the dark tone that was to come. It wasn't that we were just attacked. Some part of it was opportunistic.

2001 was basically the stone ages compared to now. The Internet was still geocities, a/s/l chatrooms. All your base had JUST belonged to us. It would've taken a whole lot less individuals to conduct something in an unmonitored world.

I don't claim to know what happened, I just knew we're being lied too. There's no theory, just calling bullshit for what it is.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (7 children)

The main one for me was that NORAD, for the first time ever, was "stress testing" their system and running every flight sim they had, so when things went down, they had no idea what was real and what wasn't.

The order to do so, for the first time, unprovoked, unnecessarily and unneededly came from Dick Cheney himself, who didn't even have the authority to order the Pentagon to do ANYTHING but his orders were followed regardless.

That's a pretty big discrepancy. It's really hard for me to rule that one out

Building 7 is a big leap of faith to hurdle.

The twin towers themselves collapsing in a controlled manner, that doesn't happen without blowing individual floors. Buildings in war zones don't fall down vertically, they'll partially collapse or fall over, not straight down - that ONLY happens with controlled demolition.

That's a big leap of faith.

Like almost everyone else, I was glued to the TV all day on 9/11. I remember when the Pentagon footage was aired on TV. It was played ONCE. That was a missile. It was clear as day. Beyond that, if it was an airplane, where's the fucking wreckage? Cuz that would be the first plane crash in all of history that left zero wreckage.

That's a big leap of faith.

It requires to many leaps of faith to believe the given story. Idk the whole of what happened, but I know we weren't told it.

The Patriot Act was introduced 5 weeks after the attack. 342 pages, no contradictions in the whole thing. Introduced, passed, and signed into law in 4 days. 5 weeks isn't enough time to read 350 pages of legalese, let alone write it. It was ready to go

Add to all the sus, America's government post WW2, at least, has not warranted any trust from the public. The CIA has done a LOT of fucked up, illegal shit to us. The Bay of Tomkin was a false flag fucking lie to the people. The incessant lie of Neoliberalism telling us that GDP is up! But everyone's quality of life is being striped away faster than our rights. Citizens United is bullshit, 2000 election was bullshit, Iraq and Afghanistan were both bullshit, qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture are fucking repressive FASCIST bullshit and yea, you know, I don't think the people calling the shots have our best interests in mind, how could you?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Does the word theft need a legal definition to exist?

Outside of any legislative bodies jurisprudence, so the open sea, or Antarctica, on the moon or in open space perpendicular to our ecliptic, is theft wrong based off a legality? Or is theft considered wrong based off a morality?

Legal≠right, ≠fair, ≠justice, ≠moral

What is legal is entirely it's own thing. And even at that, if someone breaks the law, but then no one applies the consequences of breaking that law against them, is that even a law then?

When the law is arbitrarily applied, like how the rich tend to not be charged with first offenses and just get warnings, then that teaches the privileged to not worry about the law, to move fast and break things, to ask forgiveness rather than permission. But when the winning class doesn't respect the law and every class under them is constantly looking up for cues on how to rise, weeeeeell...

The law applied unequally results in no one respecting the law. And that's the rational response. Corruption kills communities. Corrupted leaders are effectively undermining our society, regardless of their title, be that Senator, General, Judge, et al, they're sappers, undertakers, saboteurs

We need harsher punishments, across the whole of life, for people being deceitful, spreading mis/disinformation, telling half truths and lying to any degree.

The entire foundation of human culture is built off trust and an adherence to an objective truth outside our body. What do you think faith is? What do you think spirituality is? Religion is merely a groups adherence to what they consider to be the universal truth. At the core of how we perceive, ourselves, society, existence as a whole, we have a universal, biological, demand for the truth.

And I think our law should reflect that to a higher degree. Like if repeated theft can lead to life in prison, one case of embezzlement that results in the theft of 1000s of retirement accounts should be met with an execution.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If it's handmade hardwood Japanese joinery furniture than it's worth every penny, it'll outlast you and you'll hand that down to your kin.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That's because prisons are just institutionalized state sponsored slavery that sells it's 'goods' to private companies.

Refusing to work in prison will net you more time. Rinse repeatn= if you ever want to see your family again, you'll work.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

If you're gonna be fucked either way, might as well go big.

At least there's a chance you might go home then

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

When my insomnia hits it's days of zero sleep... Like I see the 3 hours of sleep and I immediately (and unfairly) dismiss that you have insomnia, I'm just like, "bro, but you ARE getting sleep").

As I got my things under control I pivoted to Polyphasic sleep anyway. 1 30min nap every 6hrs and I absolutely adore it. Extra exertion or any kind of injury will warrant more rest, but then, thats resting with a purpose.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

My insomnia got so bad at one point that from my POV I started blacking out for several hours at a time. I'd look at the clock, blink, and the time would go from like 3pm to 11pm instantly. In reality my brain was just too tired to register anything that happened to me to memory, even the memory of existence in the moment; just..not there. I was my same old self, according to my wife, which I believe, I mean, who the hell else could I be? I don't live duplicitous, I'm not worried I might have said or done something contrary to me.

It happened one night where I had gone out to dinner with my wife's grandparents = no memory of the events at all. I drove, apparently...and that's when I made the earliest appointment I could to get sleeping pills.

Lack of sleep is no joke. It was like someone else was living my life. the highlight reel parts at that. I'd snap back while playing Civ or having to go to work.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Consequently, no one in my circles cares about the welfare of the 1%, and if grid down collapse comes, well, some people are gonna hunker down, and some people are gonna go hunting. You best believe the one percsnt has the largest targets on their ... Everything.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I swear, this is the best soundtrack to just fucking rocket yourself awake and get all yr shit done. Like clean yr entire house, including dusting and mopping in the, idk, 35 minutes that make up the entire album.

I did my entire senior project in one of those spans. Love Op Iv (who just dropped a new song a couple months ago!)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That's a fantastic site. I wish I knew more about my local flora and fauna so I could contribute to it.

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