
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hey I just want to share,a thought I had about the nature of stress that has helped me reframe a lot in my life, maybe it'll help you or somebody else

We know scientifically that stress hormones speed up our aging. So stressing is literally life at 2x. If you're like me, and 95% of the rest of us, then you have to earn a paycheck/ ,have to sell your labor for finances. If you're like the 75% of us that's one missed paycheck, or one t-boning that you're 100% the victim for but still spend weeks in the hospital just to end up evicted but still like 5 years from any insurance payout (murica), and you're stressing your bills...does the stressing over a debt to a faceless, soulless corporation lower your interest rate? Will the stressing and mental berating you submit yourself too erase those overdraft fees? If you're stressing over these kind of 'faceless' things you're literally spending your life double time, but...they don't accept that kind of currency.

If anything, the time lost to stress is also time thats twice lost because you could've been working towards a quickfix if not a perm solution.

All I'm saying, is don't spend your hours on things that don't appreciate them. I will never get upset at a phone company or utility or whatever's behest and torture myself for them. They don't care about any of us, it's high time we stopped caring about them too.

Try it out. Refuse to stress for a few days. Does life fall apart then? The biological imperative of the day is to simply survive, if youve done that, you're already winning. Don't let the faceless steal your thunder. ✌️

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (10 children)

The president is the commander-in-chief of the military. That sounds pretty officer-y to me.

I'm pretty sure the military boys would agree.

Wait, since the military has its own law, if Trump somehow avoids justice (most likely by delaying until he could parden himself) could the Postmaster General arrest him and hand him over to the military for court martial? Sentenced and executed same afternoon?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Aaaah, the excremental. It all makes sense now.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Humanity collectively decided this shit 76 years ago and America still can't get with the program. Smh.

Sigh ..this feeling of disappointment in my country is unceremoniously familiar.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The pandemic made me give up on working for other people, what I consider appropriate accommodation wasn't in line and being told to put myself in danger as if it was a normal job requirement I signed up for made it real clear how valued workers are.

That being said. The first two things a person should buy once striking out on their own are a lawyer and an accountant. Those two peeps know how the world REALLY works. Youre not going to build stability from a shaky foundation, that's just basic cause and effect y'know.

And having a lawyer on retainer is one of the best feelings in the world. It's fuck you money, but you only need enough $ to pay your guy, not a warehouse of pandemic pine

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Fuck yea man. I don't understand how people can work for sleezebag companies. I know a lot of us have to work, I get it, but I worked phones (retention, the worst) for a credit card company for a bit and I was able to do it on the up, and be legitimately helpful for customers, all while I refused to upsell anything that they didn't want.

I'd get "talked to" about it but I never cared. What's a better experience for the customer? fuck your monthly metrics, the idea is to RETAIN customers, right? Well that starts by not fucking them off so you can make a bonus.

I never got a bonus, and I never cared. I'm of the mind that the product should sell itself, otherwise it's not ready for market. If it's not filling a need then it's a waste of time and frankly, a companies resources. People generally don't forgive corporations, nor should they. It still offends me that if sales weren't what they were expecting it's somehow the people at the bottoms fault, especially when the people writing the shit don't have any need for the product. I won't be moved from this rock. If my sales aren't to your specs, take that back to legal and your ideas guys and tell them to try harder. Weak links can be found in more than one place.

Fwiw, I left the company, they didn't let me go. To this day I refuse to carry debt or even own credit cards tho. Nope, doesn't sit well with me. On the same vein tho, I measure how successful I am by how little I need and how little I spend, not how much I earn. This monopolization of everything has turned me staunchly anti-consumer (in the sense of consumption in general, not heil corporate/anti-customer. Right to repair 100%, revoke charters of those that bad faith skirt the intention). I both rue the reactionary in me, even if came from biological imperative, and fucking LOVE where Ive landed at the same time.

All you need to do in this world to win is kill your internal sense of justice but that's a price too high. Team Rawls for life.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Nietzsche has some broad appeal, well, amongst those that read philosophy. You can't get past the post-modernists without summiting that intellectual mountain. I suppose existentialism is somewhat Niche-ey...but what do I know, I read Zarathustra at 16. Ymmv

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago

It's not just celebrities, it's politicians, it's inherited wealth.

It's everyone who meets up at Davos, the corporate side, the business side, the governmental side.

Private jets, yachts, need to be banned outright. We have zoom. This ain't the 1950s anymore.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Or federal employees...they're also called the deep state.

Where'd I hear that in the news recently?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (17 children)

She's been a superstar a whole lot longer than this past year.

She became a billionaire in the past year. You know how hard that is to do as an artist? She's been at this a minute. Like 2 decades of superstar minutes.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Climate change is going to make it much much worse. Once Mexico and Central America experiences a couple wet bulb days then it'll be an actual migration.

We can't stop 200million. We can't stop .0005% of that if it all came at once. For the love of God bullets can NOT be the answer to that.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 year ago (2 children)

They lose that exchange of wits.

Bidens just got to show open hands and say, we gave you the concessions you asked for, i said id close the border that day, i was ready to close the border and you said no, choosing politicking over security.

And then spit a fat wad of chew spit in Ted Cruz's face.

He'd win reelection right there.

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