
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 78 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (8 children)

The system is written and set up by guys like him.

It doesn't change itself. Voting won't make it change itself either.

We're either going to have to grind everything to halt or grind everything to dust. Those are the only two options left to us.

It was over 8 years ago that begged a foreign power for espionage help while running for pres. On live TV. He should have been locked up then.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Fax it to him 😉

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I'm the same way. It's led me to one of my "sayings",

Whatever you do, do it spectacularly. If you gotta fail, fail spectacularly.

The worst results I can get are ambiguous ones, then I have to go over every piece of input and test them individually - it's almost easier to just abandon the question and come up with a new one.

For maybe the last decade, the last 5 years at least, my new years resolution has always been the same. Stop getting in my own way.

Ive held a stance, with myself and with other people, for as long as I can remember, that "No is always an ok answer." This is pertinent because it keeps me fluid in my planning and taught me to table any emotional attachment and wait until I have the thing to feel the thing. The deftness of my ability to plan shouldn't be hoisted onto other people's shoulders to bear, that's MY responsibility, so if I'm asking favors, no is ok. I'm fact finding, not emotionally blackmailing or leveraging. I'll call someone back as a last resort a burn a favor, but it's gotta be life or death. If it's a blown engine, I'll just pay for a tow, y'know, but I got buddies with trucks and tow rope.

That can be further refined to, Don't Stress Over the Imaginary. Stress is essentially double overtime, burning your life force at 200+%. Does stressing over paying your phone bill get you a discount on that bill? No? Then why spend currency that they aren't accepting? (That being said, never extend real feelings to an artificial entity, real relationships require reciprocity). Is the stressing helping you find a solution faster? Really? REALLY?! I didn't think so. You don't need to punish yourself more than a "oh, this and this didn't work, noted, avoid in the future." No one and nothing benefits by a self imposed penence, you're just wallowing. Really. Stop wasting time. That's right, i said the thing we all know but don't even admit to ourselves. A great man, a better man than we, once said, "Life is short, we must hurry" and I'm inclined to believe him.

Things, ALL things, will be done when they are done. That statement is at once both as direct and as vague as you want it to be. And it's been that way for all time. Always. Just like we will never know the end of Pi, or simultaneously witness the ends of the superposition of an atom, life is just "fuzzy." You're welcome to scream about that into the void if you want, if you need more ways to come at the absurdity if it all. But again, things will be done when they are done. Putting an artificial time limit on it won't change that. Getting upset over trivial missed deadlines is you getting upset about something that was never real in the first place. That is literally you getting in your own way. Spending currency that they aren't taking.

As such, if I find out or am shown I'm wrong in any way, I acquiesce and admit. I'm not perfect, that'd be boring anyways, and doubling down on error just makes you look so soooo much worse than saying "ah shit, I didn't realize, my bad, fucking thanks mate." I lose NOTHING in the exchange. Nothing that I'd want to keep anyways. The truth has got to be holier than personal attachment, otherwise there is no objective reality, and therefore no way for us to ever truly be seen or known, or understood. Which I'm convinced is what we all ultimately want. Acknowledgement, understanding and vindication.

The only failure is the failure to learn the lesson.

The grace to live this seems so rare in people it's like a super power.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago

Independent is a tough word for some people to grasp..I mean, it has MORE than 10 letters.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

What is that, like 12 people now?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Yea what the actual fuck is going on with that police force?

If I were in that district I'd be calling my representative to put pressure on their mayor cuz they just traumatized an innocent women for no reason. Coroner could've been there and gone in 4 hours, hooooly shiiiit

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I also don't think the average person willve saved up 5mil to retire on, in fact I don't think the average person will be able to retire, period.

The majority of bankruptcies are from medical expenses, from people WITH health insurance.

If you think that that's acceptable, then I question your morality.

The whole point wasn't in the actual numbers but feel free to use it to practice your algebra. Focusing on the numbers avoids the point completely, but I guess that is easier then root causes and structural problems to our capitalism/legal system.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Way up that list before I mentioned Second Thought I also mentioned the Fat Electrician, whom, if you haven't seen his work, is staunchly, aggressively, anti-communist.

Do those that you've come up with or currently surround yourself with completely lose their critical thinking once video starts playing?

Idk what to tell you man, you jump to a shitton of conclusions. Wearing pink doesn't make me gay

When I see a sign in another language I don't think it's talking about me.

Take care of yourself, I guess, if you want, either way, I'm done here.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

That's something people should consciously be aware of because with the system as fucked as it is now, we are all guaranteed to end up poor.

Assume you save up 5mil for retirement. You fall and break yr hip. Insurance covers 80%. How much of that 5mil you gonna have left?

Answer; by the time we get there inflation will have fucked all the value of the dollar. You'll be selling you house to pay that bill, after emptying your bank account, cuz Medicaid doesn't help until you've liquidated all your assets.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Same. After all the bullshit with their marketplace, then reading about how they treat authors in Audible, to the this wiretap, I am DONE with Amazon.

The world is not better for their existence. Convenience doesn't redeem their blatant lack of ethics or sense of civic and social responsibility. Fuck them, forever. They're right up there with Private Equity firms.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

You've cherry picked parts of my argument and disregarded the meat, the heart of it that carried my point.

In other words, you either found contention too soon and disregarded the rest of youre intentionally being obtuse and arguing circularly as if one of us can win here.

The opening line was a statement, not an attack. The "you " in the second line is generic, not directed. If I'm not directing at you, why would I feel personally attacked? Cuz I don't. C'mon man.

Try again bro.

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