Craigslist can do it, it can be done.
Craigslist is the Achilles heel to the big tech bros, proof that they're wrong, and Craig flag out refuses to change the site. It is what it is. And that's it. I fucking love Craigslist, besides the various niche forums, all self hosted from their website -fuck reddit, it is hands down my favorite part of the internet.
Everything else is advertising, trackers and opportunists. The whole Internet feels like walking down a seedy alley full of grabby sex offenders in Mumbai.
That's where I place advertisers in the social hierarchy, as peers to sex offenders, pedo's and rapists, and I know I am not the only one with such designations. Maybe think twice about that marketing major, just saying.
You're talking micro about something that is macro. This isn't rueing your fav indie band breaking into mainstream and now Karen at the front desk is using her new favorite band to try and bond with you.
EEE is a predatory business tactic used to assimilate and digest potential rivals instead of actually competing thru products. It's anti-consumer monopoly shit, a siren's song.