
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You're talking micro about something that is macro. This isn't rueing your fav indie band breaking into mainstream and now Karen at the front desk is using her new favorite band to try and bond with you.

EEE is a predatory business tactic used to assimilate and digest potential rivals instead of actually competing thru products. It's anti-consumer monopoly shit, a siren's song.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Craigslist can do it, it can be done.

Craigslist is the Achilles heel to the big tech bros, proof that they're wrong, and Craig flag out refuses to change the site. It is what it is. And that's it. I fucking love Craigslist, besides the various niche forums, all self hosted from their website -fuck reddit, it is hands down my favorite part of the internet.

Everything else is advertising, trackers and opportunists. The whole Internet feels like walking down a seedy alley full of grabby sex offenders in Mumbai.

That's where I place advertisers in the social hierarchy, as peers to sex offenders, pedo's and rapists, and I know I am not the only one with such designations. Maybe think twice about that marketing major, just saying.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago

Not really. It wouldn't sell well enough before so why host ammo to the enemy?

Now it has pull tho, and capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

No I'm saying that crime exists, period. With or without government, it doesn't matter, we are born with an internal sense of justice. We know if we've been wronged even before we can walk or talk.

Somebody has to deal with it. You can pick a side politically or eschew it completely favoring anarchy, that's your decision, but SOMEBODY HAS TO DEAL WITH IT.

Here's a better question, let's say the government falls tomorrow. America's out of money, cops, military, Congress, everyone's disbanded.

Do you think there's gonna be less killing then?

I agree with you that government can in fact create crime, and I don't mean by just passing legislation, but actual unethical actions - and that's not to go into war crimes or crimes against humanity.

Fuck i contend the existence of poverty is a crime against humanity.

So here we are at this question. This or that. We can be critical of government for its punishment focused approach to crime, rightfully so, but absent government, does crime disappear? would theft, rape or murder decrease or increase?

I say they'd increase, at least for the initial decade. We're a long way away from subsistence farming, and not necessarily in a good way. In a prolonged grid down environment it's expected 90% perish in the first year. How far would you go to get your family medicine? Cuz if my kid needs meds and the only way I can get them is through other people, well, that's just what I gotta do then. It's not even a decision.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Exactly, he still has to put the money up/loses access to it until the appeals are over. Nobody's giving this man a bond, lol

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I feel like you understand what I'm saying and are just being facetious.

Putting all the moral positions aside, at the end of the day, we are stuck in this situation. That's the reality and it has to be dealt with, like it or not.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

In my eyes, suppressing knowledge, or advocating it, is morally bankrupt.

If you have a better argument, you engage in the conversation, you don't end the conversation and make sure no one else can talk about it again.

You shouldn't even try to dissuade people from watching it, you should want the people around you to be better educated, I would think. Idk, man, I want my wife to stay with me cuz she chooses too, not because I've lied to her about every other man in the world, or destroyed her self confidence so she thinks she can't do better.

To be clear, that's abuse. All of that.

Looking around, imma go ahead and say capitalism, in any flavor it's being expressed in this world, isn't living up to its promises. From what I can tell, that puts me with 95% of everyone else.

Do I think communism is the answer? No. I think capitalism is fine for grand pianos, not Grandma's pills.

After WW2 the post war economies settled on social democracy as the compromise between the two. I think we need to get back to that, and designate areas of the economy fundamental and forbidding people from profit or rent seeking practices. Education, medicine, emergency services, community development. Essentially if it's something the government offers or necessitates, then it's already paid for in taxes, that goes for permits, passports, licensing, reviews, All of it. I think that because it's obvious the relationship between elected officials and civil servents to the population needs repairing, drastic change. The only positive change I can fathom is simplifying for the end user (one tax) and open-transparency.

I'm willing to entertain arguments against, I don't claim or think to know everything. In fact, everything Im right about now I can guarantee I was wrong about before.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I agree. But we are still left with the here and now and a situation that we didn't ask to be in, that we (as a whole) are forced into.

Believe me, I think the first job of government, everyday, is to pass objective rationalization for their continued existence. I am beyond critical as a default. Criticism of authority is fundamental to any and all rights of free people. Corruption of those that make up the system should be punished at exponential rates. A police officer commiting a crime should be handled like a criminal, not an officer. Should steps be taken to mitigate and help the masses, based off medical expert advice? Absolutely, whole-heartedly.

I understand the arguments against capital punishment and at my core i agree, but in the end we still have this shit show we didn't want to be in to deal with. In an analogy, I don't think blaming the garbage collectors will make people produce less garbage. Let's do the things to fix it, across the board, but that doesn't mean leaving the obvious garbage out to rot and fester in the street.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 year ago (7 children)

For some, sure.

I'm all for the Scandinavian model, I just don't think the John Wayne Gacys of the world are reformable. I think some people are just not meant to live in the group. If ostracization was still a thing, then let's do that, as if back in the day surviving the wild wasn't effectively a death sentence. You wanna drop these people on an uninhabited Alaskan island? Sure. I'm all for it

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (6 children)

You don't have to agree with everything you see my dude. In fact, I would hope you don't.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago (9 children)

Life is not black and white. You can deal in absolutes all you want, that just leaves the rest of us here to make the hard decisions, since your abdication.

Jailing people for life is also inhumane, solitary is torture that can lead to permanent damage. But what alternatives are left with? Society didn't ask these people to steal, attack, rape or murder. Some people just choose it. So we have to separate them from the rest of us, for the common good.

Fwiw, I don't favor capital punishment unless guilt is obvious for all to see - beyond a doubt. But if we have to do it, and situationally It's appropriate (some will say it never is), we should do it as humanely as possible. Not that they necessarily deserve that, but ultimately it's a reflection of us.

This is all first world problems btw. If the facade falls, we'll all see people put down with absolute disregard. We have survivors alive today from past atrocity, we aren't even removed in the slightest. Look up the Khmer Rouge and the killing fields, I had a coworker who escaped after watching his brother chopped apart and his mother gunned down.

Purity in your moralism is a luxury most can't afford, unfortunately.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

To my understanding having an entrepreneurial spirit (literally means the mind for enterprise) would mean yr girl would be leaving to start her own company, not sticking around someone else's.

Maybe dumbfucko grant cheat she calls a boss meant ambitious. Ambitious like, y'know, Janel Grant, right?

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