
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Bro, look into how many of these municipalities are still paying for their development, generations later, long after everyone moved out. Or read the article. Define scam however you want, Idg2fs. You can argue that the Sacklers didn't scam everyone and leave us holding the bag, because we used the word SCAM instead of LIED like there's a great moral chasm between the two. Holy shit, I'm giving up on trying to get this across to you.

It's like you're just smart enough to start to get it, but then I stead of diving deep you just reinforce and double down, which makes you just smart enough to be a danger to yourself. Have fun with that. Don't comment back. I won't read it.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (8 children)

I was gonna say all these +

Post apocalyptic Inventor,

Stuff Made Here,


Subject Zero

Fat electrician


Knowing Better (best essays on the tube)

Second Thought








Van Neistat

Hyperspace Pirate


Tech ingredients


[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Caspian Report is fantastic

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

With a Republican controlled House and Senate, no less.

Complete control of the government, carte blanche to enact yr policies ... All they can do is pass a tax cut.

Republicans are the most ineffective political body in the world. More so than Democrats, who's only bid to relevancy is "I'm not them!" while simultaneously only passing Republican written legislation.

So the cycle, take note, is Republicans get power because Democrats don't do shit for anyone on main Street, who've seen their living conditions fall to third world status (3rd world has cell phones too people, like 90% of humanity has a cell phone), bicker about social issues and imagined offensives then pass a tax cut and forgive debts to the people held by Big business. Supreme court shenanigans whenever possible. Democrats get elected with nice stories of going to Disney land. Get in, can't do anything they promised cuz reasons but they pass the Republican think tank written policies cuz gotta point at something. BUUUT no field trip for you, get back to work. Get booted out because now I'm 47, living in a Kia with my 2 dogs and hamster and I've never been to the Disneyverse. Get told the economy is doing better everyday. Every other day someone else I know ends up homeless.

Rinse, repeat. The American way.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Man if you can't see the parallels then idk what to tell you. Everyone else can. I even ended the post with "semantics aside" to get at the underlying and try and move it past the inefficiencies of language but you persist. So in that, I concede you are right, there clearly is no reason to continue.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 year ago

Naw, split up the state into 4 states, with Houston, Austin, Dallas and San Antonio as capitals. Cut state lines and populations up to ensure that as the main city votes so goes the state.

That'd be 8 democratic senators.

Add DC, PR, American Virgin Islands American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and that's potentially another 12.

Regardless of politics the territories, and DC, should have statehood and equal rights and representation as the rest of us or they should have independence. It's part of our national identity. No more colonialism or secondclass sub citizens.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

And Ike was apolitical. He joined the Republicans because he felt the Democrats were too strong and he wanted levity between the two.

For fun look up his presidential platform to see Republicans used to be and how far theyve fallen.

Shit you don't even have to go that far back, Reagan, their neo-liberal god, would be lampooned in today's GOP. He passed gun-control and gave amnesty to those here illegally - both of which we should do again. He also ignored a pandemic resulting in millions of unnecessary deaths, just like our last Republican president, you know the one who stole Reagans motto, Make America Great Again. Yea Reagan did that first, that was his schtick and they both fucking failed HARD at that.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Hard disagree.

Arms manufacturers would be high level targets in any version of a civil war, not just by any sect of us, but foreign subversive agents would be keen to initiate as well. The MI complex has just about everything to lose.

And 6our other point, the rich have too much to lose, again HARD HARD Disagree. Fascism is rising...who do you think is paying for it?

Once you have more money than you can ever spend the only thing left to buy is power. They've captured almost every means of production. They control a disproportionate amount of our foreign policy. Apple activity threatens economic warfare whenever any talk of regulation comes up. WHY ELSE would a company hold onto a TRILLION dollars? (To threaten security of a currency, that's why). The Billionaires are a national security threat. And they almost have the final nail, total, complete information control. They're trying to regulate the internet, with their multiple "think of the children" campaigns. Their wet dream is us having to scan our license to log in, then everything we do is tracked, every question asked, every dissent in a forum met moments later with a real life knock on the door. Thought police.

Monopolies are the logical conclusion of capitalism. Once wealth is attained, all effort is spent securing that wealth. They'll sacrifice any and all of us. They chair multinational companies, it's naive to think they have any kind of national patriotism (unless it's them that's in charge). They're a tumor to our species.

Rome survived for almost 2000 years and they had 5 benevolent dictators. That's one every 400 years. We don't have time to spare like that. I don't think authoritarianism is the answer, and for those who do, I question your rational capabilities.

I'd like to remind everyone that the protagonists in 1984, fahrenheit, brave new world...they don't live thru the story. And the machines they're raging against keep on keeping on. Our job is to end the hate BEFORE it starts building bases.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It'll be chaos, and then it'll be martial law. When there are no clean sides, no obvious distinction or front lines, entire cities/regions become internment camps. Everyone is suspect. Anyone could be one of them.

Scenes like this;

Persons with last names starting from CH to DO have the next 2 hours to do their weekly shopping, anyone without correct identification, displayed on their chest, is subject to arrest and indefinite imprisonment. Resistance will not be tolerated, try, defy and it'll be the last time. Don't be a hero, citizen, c'mon, keep the line moving. No talking to those not in your party. Don't wander off the yellow line or the autosentries will turn you into a hazy pink mist. BRRRRAPP

If America balkanizes (cuz if we split, it won't be into 2 it'll be into several) there will never be peace in North America in any of our lifetimes. Those who are chomping the bit for it might do well to remember that of all the multipronged wars in history I don't think there's been a single one that was won by any of the original starting factions. So whomever is around at the beginning, that side, all those sides, have already lost. We just don't know what terror will be birthed from their corpses that finally takes over.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

A ponzi scheme is getting new people to pay out the old. See also, social security, health insurance, any and every MLM. See also, fractional banking.

It's unsanctioned fractional banking and the big boys don't like being called out for the crooks they are.

The same idea, playing out over time, can describe the credit industry. Really, why split hairs, we've been told for thousands of years that the money lenders are worse than murderers. Using current resources to pay off yesteryears resource use. That inversion describes all the above.

Perhaps poison pill is the more succinct packaging. Words are important, and clarity should always be attempted, surely, but semantics aside, everything I've written here are all different shades of the same thing, the evil of dehumanization caused by greed, predation and exploitation. A pox on society.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

You have the gist of it. It was heavily promoted, yes, but the cost of bringing city amenities out, so piping water and sewage instead of making everyone dig a well and have a septic, well those costs were almost universally kicked down the line, essentially paid for on bonds and bonds are now coming due, right when we they all need major refurbishing, so double whammy on the current generation.

It also started a fairly craven class warfare tactic. The chosen few who could afford too bought the new development, lived there for 7 years, and then sold it, took the $150,000 or whatever equity they didn't do anything to earn, and bought another brand new development. The 2nd owner tho, just bought into a house when the 30yr roof needs an "unexpected" $8000 repair, the basements started flooding because the garage settled wrong and busted get the picture. Unless you're the chosen few, you're stuck carrying the bag and doing all the lifting. No matter what you do. Any complaining tho, and watch yo ass busted down to desolation. Murica.

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