Well hell buddy. Are we related? My life is WA, IL, and dabbles of OR.
That being said, fuck Oregon. I've lived there 3 times and you just can't fucking get ahead when after federal taxes, the state tax leaves you with like 65% of your pay left.
In theory Im all for income tax and progressive taxation. In practice, most likely because of the gap between what the gment THINKS life costs vs what it ACTUALLY costs, I've only experienced suffocating anxiety living in Oregon.
Currently, I'm living along the south sound in WA. I have no qualms with the 10% sales tax, cuz guess what, after living in Oregon I got so used to never being able to afford anything that now I don't buy anything, and If I do, I buy used/fix it.
Thanks for that I guess, Oregon. Not the best way to build an economy. Idiots.
Spokane got me rollin, not gonna lie. But Greece actually has some beauty to it, and some dimes of women. Spokompton ain't got any of that. They're like "look at my one factory built from bricks!" That's like boasting about your AOL dialup connection today. OooOOoOoOooooo 28.8, wooooooooOooOooowzers.