Wonder if one of the problems ks Ai scrapers written by people who use llms to code.
Friend of the sub Scott doing more supporting of rightwing extremists. Remember when we cried wolf? Good times.
You know how we feel despair when our subjects du sneer break containment? We have hit the big leagues now seems the Democrats are now aware of NRx. Non zero chance our sneerings get read by AOC.
Well it is either what he does, or admitting your lifes work was for nothing and all the bad secondary things your subculture did, but which were brushed under the rug because "saving the future human race", were totally unnecessary and bad.
E: also when is this recursive self improvement supposed to start? As we have the ai now, y u no singularity? Could the 'it can just easily (for a certain def of easy) and unnoticed do a runaway self improvement be false?
Next step is to do it without employees and datacenters. We will contact Turing (for the lesswrong fans, we will contact Von Neumann) via a seance (for a reasonable fee of course).