No, bonds are a distinctly different asset class, specifically, with a fixed rate of return and maturity period.
Except the US government doesn’t have stock options to offer in lieu of salary.
Try uBlock Origin instead?
Users annoyed; do nothing.
So besides the fact that it’s too high of impedance, can’t carry enough voltage for broadcasting any signals, requires dedicated custom amplifiers, and costs more… Sure.
If you think you can stop using products of companies whose executives support the Republican Party, you’re quickly going to find yourself in the Stone Age.
Nearly every corporate executive, for nearly every company, is likely to be a Republican.
Even Tim Cook, an outspoken homosexual who has previously been the target of Trump-led MAGA vitriol, just recently expressed support and donated a million dollars to Trump.
People will just posture and harumph, yet keep buying Samsung, Google, and Apple cell phones, or use Enamel baby formula, or eat meat and vegetables grown using John Deere and Monsanto products…
I could go on, but there is no need to depress myself.
To be fair, they are also running the democrats, the independents, etc, etc.
The largest brand for commercial drones.
Because they make more profit from that 30% than they make from hardware sales. That’s all there is to it.
Because their constitution literally prevents it.
The FBI and prosecution should do their fucking job and build a case, instead of relying on illegal search and seizure.
They have $3.6B in free cash flow. This is just a decrease from last year, which was a record, to this year, a year in which new car sales outside of China are massively down everywhere.