I want those 2015 prices
The "you don't didn't say thank you part" was so cringe.
Lucky engineer decision:
Space billionaire
SPACE billionaire
Horrible cycle of addiction. Even earn you know the addition is pointless you still want it. Frustrating but as you keep breaking out of cycles it gets easier.
Excuse me you mean Murican!?
Just watched the 4 min video what a pair of a holes. I need to take a shower.
That's where i took it from! lol I loved that anime but man did it leave a heavy but satisfying feeling.
Never mess with the white mage.
Gene stealer cultist- orange variant
Immortality magic let's go! Just keep fixing your DNA strands like you would a pot.
Wanna bet he changes it march 3rd?
I'm just gonna sing some katy perry for no reason what so ever.
🎵 You change your mind Like a girl changes clothes Yeah you P.M.S. Cause you’re hot then you’re cold You’re yes then you’re no You’re in then you’re out You’re up then you’re down You’re wrong when it’s right It’s black and it’s white 🎵
Hmm harness the holy light of the sun?