joined 2 years ago
@stux stux why do you need to post Hello world your not coding https://geddit.social or at least I think so.
DNA computing breakthrough: bio-compatible computers in sight. DNA crystal engineering makes logic gates possible, which could lead to DNA-based computers and biosensors.
@RandoCalrandian l@Spellbind0127 because thats the law you can’t just change the license of code that other have contributed to just because you own the repository doesn’t make it so you own the legal rights to all the code. (Your an idiot if you say otherwise. )
@Kizaing could you imagine if google announced they were going to kill Gmail. (Honestly I would be happy with it. That would mean I can pursed people in my life to send emails to a custom domain I own by saying thats the only way I know I will be able to continue receiving emails to that domain)