For no reason I'll just leave this here (no one is invincible): Famous billionaires who lost everything: Elizabeth Holmes, Bernie Madoff, Allen Stanford, Eike Batista, Sean Quinn, Björgólfur Gudmundsson
Simply re-write a modern relational database and then over a weekend, migrate decades worth of data all while being shortchanged every year by congressional budget cuts with programmers that wish to toil in obscurity while being paid bottom dollar. Where do I sign up to lead this shit-show?
It would only work if trump was susceptible to being bought/bribed.
Just in time for planting season. Yet another hit to farmers.
Trading individual stocks with insider information.
Silly goose...we don't hold rich and powerful lawbreakers responsible...we make them president.
Summary: "Reality has a progressive bias" argument.
Punch a Nazi and eat the rich. A two-fer!
In a while crocodile.
Tin foil hat e-commerce sites aren't valid sources. The about page: "Whether you’re prepping for the next crisis or just surviving the current one, we're your one-stop shop for wearing the demise of civilization with style."
Two things you'll never lose money on...the depth of GOP inhumanity...and the DNC inability to even pretend to fight