I saw a racoon mimic a human's voice to distract someone to go outside while the racoon snuck in and grabbed all the timbits
joined 1 year ago
Fuck yeah!
Some folk used to eat human hearts, thinking they would consume the courage of their enemies.
Maybe this guy was trying to absorb the intelligence of his victim
We need more vespene gas
Lol what a jackass
I gotta get in on this hacking gig. Anyone know if any hacker groups are hiring?
/s for CSIS
He looks like he's taking a shit
I like his song about money trees
I heard someone say the other day that Doug Ford is a corrupt piece of shit who would sell his own mother's ass for a quick buck, used his own daughter's wedding as an auction market for governmental "favours", and sucks at hockey
Trump's a piece of shit.
Unpopular opinion, I know
It's like if a dog fucked a gopher and a rabbit, and that threesome led to the strange chimera we see before us now