We all need to be more comfortable with being less normaler
This is a distinct symptom of dementia. Really upsetting to see.
Miniature gm giraffe, about waist height. Cantering about with its tiny blue tongue. I love that little freak.
When I’m running out of books I start asking anyone interesting that I’m talking to what they are reading. If they are into that book I buy it on the spot, while we’re still talking. Occasionally they are reading something completely shit, but I’ve hit some gems. Then you have something in common with that person which is a bonus.
I taught my daughter to read during covid when the schools were closed. ‘The’ was the first word she learned to read, and I did exactly what you suggest, pausing for her to read it. It really helped. When my workshop reopened I made her a silver badge of the word ‘the’ to celebrate.
I call for opening up Trump and removing his windpipe
Stupid sexy kiwi.
Do crazy slutty makeup sometimes, just to feel crazy and slutty.
In a squeezer