
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

Yeah if you live in like, Germany or France

More like Europe: sorry we don't ship there lol. Oh we do? Hope you like paying twice the price for shipping that takes two weeks if you're lucky

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm not entirely sure those existed in '30s Alergia though and we are talking about a guy whose mother had been living with him until pretty recently and is dragging his heels on talking to his landlord about a different lease. Moving all his shit into one room is just his temporary solution to the issue...it's just there's nothing more permanent than a temporary solution. Especially when you end up getting arrested for murder.

Also that doesn't explain the dishes thing.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Absolutely not, because it replaced the aloo tikki/potato option

Still mad about that. Fucking love veggie burgers but can't stand fake meat nonsense.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (4 children)

That's why we must take inspiration from Absurdism and it's heroes and ~~imagine Sisyphus happy~~ wait wrong Camus book, you gotta just move all your furniture into your living room/kitchen so you only ever have to clean one room and just eat your meals out of the pot you cooked them in. Or get yourself arrested so you don't even have to think about that bullshit.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Or just get a plant - they're pretty hardy things! Get a little baby bay tree for your balcony or doorstep! Just make sure you bring them in over winter if it gets below freezing regularly or it'll go into hibernation

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

So's Norway - quite a few places on the west coast (the most inhabited non-Oslo part of the country) rely on the fact that the gulf stream keeps them unusually warm for their latitude

I'm already seeing things that would normally grow fine out in the garden suffer from abnormally late and early frosts and mild summers. Rip my tomatos and onions. Everyone's complaining about 20+ degree springs in the mainland while I'm screaming that it's still snowing in late May.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

My great grandad got a couple of cockatoos when he was in his 20s right after ww2 and they still managed to outlive him. Only by a few weeks mind you - poor things starved themselves to death out of grief after he died. He told us not to worry about rehoming them because he knew they wouldn't be able to take the loss of loosing him at such an age.

He only had them because he took up conservation work and they're just, native to Australia. They lived out in a big aviary he'd built with trees and bushes and even a water feature along with other birds he ended up aquiring. I adored those birds, but I genuinely can't understand how or why you'd keep such a big beautiful intelligent bird as a pet in a cage on the other side of the world and it always weirds me out when I see these birds I grew up watching roam free eating all our damn lemons in someone's house as a pet. It's like if you an American saw someone keeping a racoon as a pet.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (3 children)

This wasn't malicious per se, but I had an English teacher/school counsellor who suspected I had some sort of learning disability and treated me like an idiot because of it, but like in that sort of "poor you let me help you" way that's like really condescending that ended up really hurting my self confidence.

If I struggled with something for any reason, I was given something easier. If something I did conflicted with what she thought was correct, she would sit down and "help me correct it" because I think she seemed to think it was I guess an autism thing or something, which meant she spent a lot of time (usually taking me out of lunch break) trying to "correct" whatever she thought I was doing wrong. Which was exasperated by the fact I was an expat from the Commonwealth and she was an American so half the time they were just, cultural things. My dialect? Incorrect stop being non-rhotic and dropping your Ts. Handwriting? Oh dear this isn't D'nealian you're going to have to relearn this. Needed something repeated because I didn't hear it? Let's sit down and go through each step one by one in simple English so you can understand it. Social issues were the worst because she'd try to explain how to be friends with someone like I was five and try and push me into other people's friend groups when I did not want to do that.

I know she wasn't being malicious and like, she was right - I did have a neurological disorder, and she was the only person who noticed before it actually started affecting me negatively. But oh my god she was so condescending and made me feel like I was so stupid and absolutely fucked my handwriting. Also people noticed the attention she gave me and made fun of being for being "retarded" which was fun.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I get your point, but bialetti absolutely does do pod coffee machines too

I would say get an aeropress and just carry/have it everywhere but like, apparently they've changed hands and I have no idea if the one I've been using for like a decade or more is indicative of their current product. Good product though (just be careful if you have dodgy joints). Yeah they do have filters, but I also have a compost bin so they just go straight into there

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

A cheap fountain pen like a Lamy safari. Maybe some brightly coloured ink too.

Growing up I loved pens and my dad had some vintage Watermans he used all the time which were unquestionably Cool Pens but also really "fancy" so I wasn't allowed to touch them, and we just didn't know that way cheaper and less fiddly fountain pens existed because all of his came from the op shop with ink from borders and not an actual pen store. 8 year old me would've been estatic that not only do easier to use cheaper options exist, they're bright yellow and also you can put any colour in them, not just boring black.

...I feel like everyone answering "Powerball numbers" or "apple stocks" is completely missing the spirit of the question

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I know plastic is scary but guys, you don't need to replace your entire plastic container selection - you could just, decant your food into a different container before microwaving it? The microwave is what's doing this, not the fridge.

I'd recommend getting a small borosilicate/Pyrex dish like This. I've been using two of them my entire life (did none of you get taught that microwaving plastic with food make it go funny as a kid?) And they last a good while. Provided you don't drop them. I think IKEA sells them and I've seen them around in my local kitchen store in non-pyrex brands. Also they're oven and dishwasher safe too!

Also I don't reccomend hunting for vintage Pyrex here - old pyrex chips super easily and constant use and slamming the lid on will chip the edges to hell and back. The European formula isn't actually the same as the old one so it's fine but unless you like glass chips in your cupboard and super sharp edges, don't go for it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Pyrex/borosilicate dishes work pretty well here. Both Pyrex and IKEA do little single serving casserole dishes with a lid that work fantastic. Been using them for decades now

Alternatively you could upend a plate on-top of your bowl

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