Take up knitting and knit yourself some washcloths and dusting cloths! Pretty common here in Scandinavia (you can actually just get cotton machine knit ones in the supermarket but I'm not sure those are a thing elsewhere) and they're pretty much baby's first knitting project because it's just, a square
Where I live sous vide are pretty common in the readymade dinner section - wonder if they're better for you than microwaving and if we should maybe be doing that instead
Looks good! Are those potato pancakes like made from grated potato or mashed potato?
...in what world does Greek yoghurt taste like sour cream? Completely different taste, texture, and purpose
On the complete opposite end, people are joking about how if they want uniforms they should be wearing powdered wigs and breeches, but like, that's already a thing across the pond in the UK? The courts and house of Lords and a few other bodies have uniforms like that and yeah, there's a layer of outdated tradition, but it's also to sort of standardise how everyone looks, so that you still look like a barrister and someone to be taken seriously, regardless of age, race, gender, or looks. An equal footing sort of thing
Nearly - a single bacteria is a bacterium. There's some Latin rule going on here but I'm not sure I'd reccomend going into those weeds
You'd be surprised what can fit in a purse, especially when it's neatly organised. I think the only things that wouldn't realistically fit in your average purse would be the headphones (assuming you mean like, over the ear things and not some buds) and maybe the water and the big ass portable battery (I know plenty of women who carry a smaller one though). Also there's a few redundancies in your kit like the three different pocket knives
I think a more interesting (and less dubious) example of this would be Vocaloid and to a greater extent, cevio AI
Vocaloid is a synth bank where instead of the notes being musical instruments, they're phonemes which have been recorded and then packaged into a product which you pay for, which means royalties are involved (I think there might also be a thing with royalties for big performances and whatnot?) Cevio AI takes this a step further by using AI to better smooth together the phonemes and make pitching sound more natural (or not - it's an instrument, you can break it in interesting ways if you try hard enough). And obviously, they consented to that specific thing and get paid for it. They gave Yamaha/Sony/the general public a specific character voice and permission to use that specific voice.
(There's a FOSS voicebanks but that adds a different layer of complication to things like I think a lot of them were recorded before the idea of an "AI bank" was even a possibility. And like, while a paid voice bank is a proprietary thing, the open source alternatives are literally just a big file of .WAVs so it's much easier to go outside their intended purposes)
This doesn't sound like they're charging extra if you're over a certain weight, which is what a lot of people here seem to be assuming. Its data collection for future designs.
People are aware that you get charged for overweight baggage for health and safety reasons, right? Anything over about 20 kilos is too heavy for a single person to safely handle so they have to get two people to do it, which costs more time and money. I would be very genuinely surprised if a few dozen more kilos from overweight baggage and people would be enough to seriously impact a plane's flight unless you're on a small town hopper
...the overweight baggage charge is because of health and safety, not plane weight. Anything over 20 kilos is too heavy for a single person to safely handle so they have to get two people to deal with it, which takes more time
You on the other hand aren't being handled by anyone. You're not a health hazard.
Bloody GM's fault for killing Holden and taking away our beautiful utes
Then don't - get a small glass/Pyrex casserole dish with a glass lid and decant your leftovers into that every time you go to heat something up. I think IKEA sell some nice sized ones.
If you don't drop it they last for decades and that's what I've been doing. I do not reccomend looking for vintage stuff though - the reason why they stopped using the original original glass formula is because it chips easily and yeah, something that gets used on a very regular basis with its lid constantly going on and off is going to start chipping something awful over time