This is depressingly accurate.
My wife actually does things on her days off. It really doesn't mesh with my desire to just relax.
Did he though? Nobody saying nothing is a double negative.
Hah, that makes sense.
I think spellings and punctuation are still valid. Mostly. Ignore variations between English and Americanese.
Yeah, if I wasn't fat, I might consider dressing more similar to this. As things stand, though...
Depression and anxiety greatly hindered my educational goals, so I only have an associates degree in accounting. However, the woman I married has a master's degree in computer science and a good, well-paying job. Our first child had medical issues requiring full-time care for several years, so I am now a stay-at-home dad to two kids, guiding them through homeschool.
Be sure to mansplain things to her, too. Oh, "mansplaining" is when you assume they are ignorant about a topic and start explaining it as if they are clueless.
If sexuality is a spectrum, he's definitely not firmly on the hetero end.
Your heart is in the right place, but that's not exactly a reasonable comparison. Few other surgeries, even elective ones, permanently remove your ability to do something as major as procreation.
People should have the option to have their tubes tied without judgement, but it is not as simple a decision as repairing a damaged part of the body.
My understanding is that doctors often don't just question but often refuse if they think the person should not do it. To be clear, that refusal is generally based on personal opinion, not for medical reasons.
Safety isn't a matter of taste. After a certain threshold maybe, but prior to that, it's a matter of responsibility (and sometimes legal liability).