As much as your comment is the truth. It'll get buried in the circle jerk of ACAB and the ignorance of your tax dollars at work crowd.
Its not exactly the worse thing to have a dismantled military when its been so long. If japan was to start a military now, they arent encumbered by any old generation of equipment and weapons. No office fights of seeing if we should try to maintain and use the old stuff or get something new. They can just start with latest and greatest stuff.
Creamer is shelf stable.
Do you have anything to back this up?
You dont make flying planes safer by not flying them the same way you dont become a safer driver because you dont drive.
They kinda are until the next president comes along.
Getting a bus pass doesn't make you a better driver.
First one, then the other. But you must alternate in the same frequency as your two factor authentication device does after you have seeded it using 42069 on 29 feb.
This is how we are "respected" now right?
Theres got to be a cheaper way.
Have you tried reading the article before spewing your BS?
It is the job of the government to care for it's citizens after all.
This is where some people would have a difference of opinion.