Vaping, doomscrolling, not eating healthy, binge drinking sometimes. The usual
anyone interested in RTs also chechout it's the RTs game Tzar that came out in 2000 but with multiplayer and some good qol stuff. Run by good people and has a little community.
Idk how to make a link on lemmy but type in your address bar like the your ancestors used to.
You can't say that on lemmy man it's illegal.
Tit for tat plus 10% forgiveness
Everyone in here saying how fun going to the movies alone is. Idk. I've done it before, it was pretty lame. I'd way rather go with a friend and have someone to talk about the movie with. Going all alone sucks.
That's some dedication. Respect
Subscribe to tears monthly for more tears you've reached your tears limit for this month.
Even when driving by hand flathead suck. I worked as an electrical apprentice I have a lot of experience with every screw type. Flathead suck in almost every single application. The one saving grace they have is if the head gets covered in something like dirt or glue or silicone. It's super easy to clean out the slot and use the screw again. If your Phillips or robby screw gets full of dirt it can take a while or even need a special pick to clean out the hole and get it going again. I've heard that on old ships this used to very important because the water would put grime on the screws and build up overtime. With big flathead slots you just use your screwdriver to clean out the gunk and screw away. I am Canadian and so love the robby. But it's a bitch to clean if it gets full of shit too, not as bad as Phillips though. But the robby doesnt cam out, doesn't strip. Lasts the longest by far, every other bit will be chewed after a couple months of electrical work in an impact. I can get 6 months to a year out of a high quality robby bit. Ten thousand plus screws. It also holds a screw well to get into hard to reach places.
Idk which screw is the best. But flathead isn't even in the convo.
The proof against such a system. Ouch mate. I'm not that bad I promise. I worked construction since I was 15 years old. I'm 31 now. Only in the last 6 months have I not been working, and it's only because I got let go from my last job and couldn't find another in my field fast enough before winter. Construction jobs don't hire much in the winter where I live, everything really slows down. I swung up hard when I married and my wife works at the hospital I was talking about and makes more than double what I do. She would work full time but she hasn't been at this hospital long enough for the seniority for a full time position. So she working part time until a spot opens up.
When we first met she worked in a major cities downtown hospital in a trauma centre and she worked way more than fulltime. I was working 60-80 hour weeks as a laborer insulating houses and highrises in Toronto for $21 an hour.
This is the only time in a our lives either of us has "slowed down" and I wouldn't even call it that because life is more hectic than ever with a 3 and 1 year old and another one coming. I would say we've paid our dues to our country and now it's helping us out a bit while we raise kids to help it out a bit in 20 years. It all comes back eventually. Our government will benefit from the fact that we had enough to make it through this period of our lives in a comftorable state and actually raise good kids. In 20 years our children will be in the workforce and will be returning that money in one way or another.
A good country wants all it people to be doing good. A good country should want less losers. It should support its people and especially its people who are raising its next generation. It could be argued that nothing is more important.
Yeah honestly as a Canadian with 2 kids and another on the way. It's pretty awesome. We get in the neighborhood of $1500 a month for our two kids already and once the next one is born we will be getting north of $2200 a month from our government. It covers a lot of bills and makes the life we have possible. We live small but we make our money go a looong way and prioritize time with our kids over extra cash flow. My wife works part time and right now I'm able to be a full time stay at home dad until my wife takes another maternity leave then I'll go back to work part or fulltime.
Edit: Also our healthcare is fully covered. It's such a relief. My wife had one potential issue with her last pregnancy and our healthcare system went above and beyond to make sure everything was fine. They immediately sent her to a more capable facility by helicopter and had specialists waiting and everything. And it was all free. They take children's health very seriously and spend any money necessary.
Some people hate our healthcare system and I get it, it has its flaws. But when shit hits the fan and you are in need. They rush to your safety it's actually crazy. My wife and child ended up being absolutely fine but they didn't even take the chance.
One time my youngest had a really bad virus and was at home. He took a turn for the worse and started having low level breathing and his skin changed colour. We rushed to the hospital since it's literally 2 mins from our house. The second someone at the front entrance saw his little face it was like go time. They cleared the hallways immediately and like 5 doctors and nurses took him from us and rushed him into the Emerg. They spend a lot of time training for moments like that and when someone is really in need of help they are there and they work like a well oiled machine to save lives.
Bro I can't read if I don't read it in my head lmao