Wählt Die PARTEI, denn sie ist sehr gut.
joined 7 months ago
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Does film actually degrade once it‘s developed? I know it get‘s less light sensitive and shifts color over time but doesn‘t this only apply to undeveloped film?
I'll travel several hours into the future and it only takes me one bottle of vodka.
Ich nach dem Aufstehen vs Ich nach der Arbeit
I get why this is really ironic and funny but it still feels wrong to laugh at
And asbestos in the walls? And said cigarettes were healthy?
Das letzte Windows auf meinen Computer das steht mittlerweile fest
Since my colleagues have missed the invention of Deodorant and washing themselves I'd beg to differ.
Turns out hating on conservatists and praising ceo killers is too much of a popular opinion for that sub, is that what they want to say?
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How it feels leaving the festival and being among normal people again.