Wow Hawaii is like 🖕🏻🖕🏻
Fortunately they’re known for their complete honesty in all situations
Oh shit that quiver 🔥🔥
If your 401k, Roth IRA, and Traditional IRA are all maxed out… A) great job! and B) put it into a regular investment account (not recommending Robinhood, but that’s the easiest example). There’s no max on that.
Thanks for your follow up comment because this post is more like a YSK: You Should Learn How to Budget From Somewhere But Not This Post
I love YNAB but I just can’t stomach the price.
Cheers to that!
Solid detective work, thank you!
I’m mostly referring to flavor. No one is buying these for “sugar + milk” flavor.
Is there a way to buy milk with any of these flavors and sugar already in it?
It’s so simple for people to open the fridge and dump some International Delight creamer into their cup. I’m sure if there was a good alternative then a lot of people would do it. These creamers are no effort, no cleanup, cheap, and have a much longer shelf life than milk.
For some reason I was just thinking about DKR yesterday. I would love another one! I had way more fun with it than MK due to the story mode and open world.