Super Mario RPG has my favorite music in the series, so I'm excited to hear it all remastered
I love small creatures with really strong etb effects in reanimator decks like Mulldrifter
Some good 2 mana rocks include the signets, the diamond cycle, and the mono colored myr along with ornithopter of Paradise, prismatic lens, and guardian idol
My big issue is that I haven't found a good setting for my home feed that consistently updates. I've had the same posts at the top of hot/all and active/all since I started, it's difficult to find posts that have any activity that aren't multiple days old because of this
Her name is Matilda. We're not sure if she is a Russian Blue since we found her as a stray outside.
Yisan used to be very popular as a mono green toolbox commander, using his ability to be able to search out the exact creature you need for different situations before eventually trying to combo, usually trying to get infinite mana with Temur Sabertooth, a card like Great-oak guardian, and enough mana dorks to go mana positive before tutoring out the rest of your creatures with Yisan. He's definitely a unique commander, and I agree that the secret lair art is sick
Torgaar won't actually kill an opponent since it only makes the opponent's life total half their starting life total. I was so excited to build him as a command when he came out and that one word ruined it for me
It's only the second highest because they kept breaking the hinges on them