
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 years ago


Should be classified as a fascist in this case :amerikkka:

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

estimated destruction for pyongyang is something like 75-80%


[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 years ago


Tfw you uncritically consume so much Murdoch media that your brain leaks out of your ears.


[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 years ago

You believe it when your media scapegoats Russia as le bad instead of your billionaires, think anyone who disagrees with you is a Russian bot, and believe that Russians are subhumans but that's not racist because trust me bro fr?

And all this somehow doesn't make you a right winger?

You're a fine fucking specimen mate.

Yeah, exactly, Russia ork Le bad, couldn't have said that better myself, thanks!

LMFAO ofc you couldn't, its your entire ideology dumbass!


[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 years ago

I'm not trying to be rude because your original question seemed to be asked in decent faith, but this is an absurdly simplistic and unrealistic view.

It's a different lib this time, probably an aussie, let em have it gigachad

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 years ago


LOL shut the fuck up you demented ape, I guarantee that whatever western shithole you're typing this from has its fair share of "unpunished invasions".

Russia is making an unprovoked attack on Ukraine.

Wrong and incredibly stupid. Although this recent encroachment was a strategic blunder by the Kremlin, there was plenty provocation from the West, escalating ever since Russia started opposing actions America took as global hegemon back in the early 2000s (like the actual invasion of Iraq) to the foreign interference and antidemicratic coup of Euromaidan back in 2014, which is when you'd know the war really started if you'd bothered to look into this issue further than channel 9 and that one soy video on YouTube about Ukraine's nukes.

At the end of the day, Ukraine should've just kept the nukes.

"We should have more puppet states of the genocidal American empire armed with WMDs, what's the worst that could possibly happen??"

Trusting Russia to keep to an agreement is like trusting a dingo in a nursery. They promised to respect Ukraine's territory in exchange for Ukraine giving up their nuclear arsenal, and this is the result.

This is literally just "LE RUSSIAN DISHONEST DINGO ORK HORDE, GENETIC LIARS MUST DESTROY BCUZ BREAK PINKIE PROMISE!!!!" More racist right wing warmongering against the Russian people to excuse an incredibly violent escalation of conflict so NATO can secure its imperialist interests on a mountain of innocent Russian and Ukrainian corpses. That stupid treaty is irrelevant because it holds no more weight than the given international laws that state a country has to respect the sovereignty of its neighbours and pursue no military encroachments onto their territory. Something that every western nation has either broken or supported the breaking of for a third world nation.

And most of all, why the hell should Russia accept a treaty on "muh independence" drawn up and solely policed by a corrupt oligarchic settler colonial police state that has its own fucking record of genocidal unlawful invasions into foreign lands near and far? Where the is the fucking UN in all of this?


So you'd accept living in a city where the code of criminal justice is written and policed by a violent mafia syndicate? Fuck off, it is absurd to follow the laws written by a hypocrite with your worst interests in mind.

It was literally just America pre emptively securing an excuse to kill thousands of Russians in retaliation should it ever even think of threatening it's murderous interests by reforming the USSR starting with Ukraine.

At the end of the day you're just another racist useful idiot for the Wests genocidal warmongering agenda against its enemies disguising a perverse desire to cause a level of slaughter on par with world war 3 behind a crude sense of justice.

Fucking demonic troglodyte, you want to die in a sea of nuclear fire that badly? Sure then, go book a one way trip to the sun and take your bloodthirsty imperialist fantasies with you so the rest of humanity can live in peace.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 2 years ago (6 children)

Miss all on accounts my man. I'm Polish blah blah blah les Russian skull shapes WW2 Poland sad backstory blah more muh Russia subhuman le bad blah blah blah 'muh bad apples apologia' strawman blah blah I can parrot more racist western propaganda against Russians and still be right because same phenotype blah blah Russian superiors all genocidal bcuz trust me bro I'm racist blah

Your opinion was already rejected at "I'm Polish" lmao fucking fascist "no LGBT zones" having theocracy ass motherfucker gigachad

Again you admit to your ridiculous view of the Russian people hinging on you being a massive racist piece of shit. This conveniently feeds into being a warmonger who wants to see more innocent people suffer and die for NATO weapons testing because "Russia ork le bad". If you weren't blatantly making up the things you said about your grandparents you are a bloody disgrace to their suffering and have learned nothing from their terrible experiences with war. Fuck off back to whatever right wing hellsite you came here from you murderous bastard.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 2 years ago (1 children)

ping pong authoritarian government

Winnie the whining Pooh

Shing Shing ling long removed (lmao) CCP bots

This is like if you gave a fox news boomer moonshine and asked it to do a stream of consciousness on China

[–] [email protected] 38 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (16 children)

Are you saying that when a country is invaded that it should bend over and let it happen because war is bad and resisting means the war continues?

This is a false equivalency pushed by the western media between 1. "bending over and letting it happen" (disgusting comparison to SA) with it being invasion by "muh subhuman asiatic hordes" and 2. "fighting back the untermensch invaders".

Everybody here advocates for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in which no more innocent lives are lost, with the withdrawal of military forces on both sides, and as another user pointed out below, Russia will ideally take the Donbas/Crimea because otherwise the racial reprisals by Azov and co. against the ethnic majority Russian population would be another humanitarian disaster.

There is a truly peaceful resolution to this conflict, do not take seriously the warmongering fascist propaganda of the West because they want to use this as an excuse to test experimental weaponry against their enemy.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (17 children)

Some other countries are always worth fighting against though, and Russia is one of them.

lmao heres the admission that this entire bloody mess is a proxy war between the West (america) and Russia..

Oh yeah totally, they don't need to fight Russia, they should just give up and let Russians do what they did in Bucha to the whole country. Of course Russians are known to peacefully incorporate conquered territories with no harm done whatsoever to civilians.

...and heres the attribution of war crimes not to the savage nature of war and armed, violent conscripts, but to the inferior nature of "LE RUSSIAN PEOPLES, SUBHUMAN ORK LE BAD!"


nah I'm not denything Russian troops committed warcrimes, but I'm not going to attribute that to some innate savagery of the Russian people, this disgusting bullshit is the result of the war itself, and we sure as hell know that Russia was not solely responsible for the current conflict (EU stabbed the bear with EuroMaidan).

Theres also the false equivalence of the war ending peacefully, full withdrawals from both sides, with negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, and the war ending with Ukraine's lands being raped and pillaged by out of control asiatic hordes (classic fascist warmongering propaganda).

All in all this post is peak racist virtue signalling and hypocrisy typed in all likelihood by Ameri~~fat~~can hands.

I'll put it to you in a way that your teenage mind can comprehend: We're with Thorfinn in that violence is le bad. ~~Now fuck off to McDonald etc. etc.~~

Edit: Sorry to all fat people for associating you with child killing imperialist wastes of oxygen.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

Its alright man, people will quickly learn you're one of the good ones.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Uncritically consuming the narrative pushed by western media is hella cringe.

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