You silly communists don't get it. This isn't human nature. Human nature is surrounding yourself with parking lots and stroads and taking heartburn medication every day for your entire life so you can work on digital surveillance and eat processed corn cubes without feeling sick.
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-natilasm posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Vaush posts go in the_dunk_tank
huge streets
very few cars
tons of bikes
really beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing
I appreciate the picture of the massive street with the statues in the background and the "no cars" sign in the foreground
Woah must be really hard to stage all those photos.
the statues are paid actors
North Korea doesn't have statues. They just paint people and force them to stand perfectly still at gunpoint.
End the SAG AFTRA strike! Bring our boys home!
Such a beautiful country. It's the one I most want to visit, I think. Hopefully someday I can manage it.
it is amazing they got all of those prisoners to pose in those photos for one tourist. clearly this is another example of how epic-marvelbadguy-1894-totalitariorino the North Korea is. So wild and crazy!
This is clearly George Foreman 1989 (Taylor's Version)
Yeah, things are so crazy in North Korea! I will literally believe anything I am told!
I love seeing traditional buildings in the DPRK. Normally you never, ever do because all the coverage is of Pyongyang and almost literally all of the older buildings there were destroyed in the war afaik.
yeah, i believe the estimated destruction for pyongyang is something like 75-80%
estimated destruction for pyongyang is something like 75-80%
all fake, get better CGI, I only trust pictures from Radio Free Asia
Thank you for sharing! I love seeing North Korea pictures, it's so closed off, I'm always hyper curious about the place.
Two things always stand out in pictures from NK
The buildings have colour and are pretty.
No advertising to be seen.
It makes you realize how depressing capitalist cities are.
also very few cars and no parking cars. the amount of urban space we surrender just to parking is incredible and we barely notice it. we could have really nice streets but there's 2 lines of cars parking on every one of them.
And in most of the US the areas with street parking are much better to walk around. In my area street parking means low speed limits and walkable space, no street parking means the speed limit is 45 and there’s 2-3 lanes each direction.
Beautiful photos, thank you for sharing. What struck me most about the architecture was the use of color, especially bright or pastel ones. And lots of road space but little to no cars, just pedestrians or cyclists. It's nice. The traditional houses look super cool, too.
yes, i love all their use of bright colors and pastels! it's so visually appealing
I wish I was useful so I could move to NK or China. :(
you are useful
Ty. 🥹
It really is just a beautiful place, it's a pity I'll likely never get to visit
Uhm, sorry sweaty, but these pictures aren't real. They're hiding all of the oppression out of frame and are also cooking and eating orphans.
i wish i had put some information/statistics about how awful the firebombing of korea was in the original album.
sariwon, for instance, was almost completely reduced to rubble (the US air force estimated the destruction to be at 95%). and yet all wikipedia has to say about the city is that its folk costume street—a popular tour spot, built to showcase old korean traditions and customs—is an "inaccurate romanticized recreation" of an "ideal picture of ancient Korea."
there's no mention of the bombing; not attempt to explain why a street built to preserve old traditions, customs and architectural styles might be important for the city. if it can't be explained as some devious, state-sponsored brainwashing plot, then it's not worth mentioning
I’m going to yell “HA HA HA” and run across the border. Beautiful album.
Fucking suburbs I wish NK was more isolated. Obviously a pretty regular country though
Fucking suburbs I wish NK was more isolated.
Every new development looks like it's in the US, isolated identical single family homes with no amenities close by.
with no amenities close by
and you knows this... how? also these are (mostly) rural housing developments surrounded by farmland. idk why you would compare it to us suburbs that are designed around car usage