We can all date ourselves by realizing that this episode is old enough to drink
We can all date ourselves by realizing that this episode is old enough to drink
My only regret was not watching it while tripping balls
Why should we do anything? It's our digestive system that sucks.
"I quite enjoy being the meat in this sandwich, yes I do."
If these smart washers are so damn smart, how come my shirts still have pit stains?
Do Pokemon ever get so obese and lethargic that they don't even vocalize their full names, anymore?
I bet this fat MFer just says "Pi" all the time
I hope it was one of those poops where you felt lighter afterwards, and that wiping afterwards wasn't an ordeal
Great, now I have this mental image of packs of Floridamen roving up & down Daytona Beach - harassing tourists and combing the sand for meth
Gamerbros need exfoliation too, you know
My headcanon says that Miyamoto was fixated on the name Zelda long before realizing it was a woman's name. Then he said "fuck it" and threw a princess in there.
I know that he actually took the name from Zelda Fitzgerald, but this is funnier.