That's called an infix, like a prefix or suffix, but, y'know, in. Some other languages use them often, but it's just a few fun examples in English.
This is another one. "Anymore" only works when paired with a negative, like: Idiocracy is not fiction, anymore.
Imagine if you asked whether the store has AA batteries, and the clerk says, "We have anymore." In contrast, "we don't have anymore" works.
Is this a trick like that truck-crashing video?
I hear ya. I just wanted to provide an example in which social norms lead people to do the right thing.
It would, but it'd be a poor political tactic, because the idea is to make your issue/position cognitively sticky, that is, make people remember it involuntarily. All of the engagement around flashing would be "huhuhuhuhuh boobs," and nobody would talk about or remember the actual issue.
If you want a happier example, there's the trash in Wisconsin state parks. The Dept. of Natural Resources used to place trash receptacles in our state parks, and haul the trash away. That worked, people put their trash in the bins, because that's the social expectation.
But the DNR lacked the staff to keep up with the trash. Sometimes animals would get in and spread trash around, but mostly, people would pile trash on or around cans and dumpsters after they'd filled up. If that's where you put your trash, that's where you put your trash, right?
So, the DNR simply stopped putting trash receptacles in the parks altogether, and announced that you'd have to pack your own trash out. And it worked! Without a socially-sanctioned place to deposit trash in the park, people pack it out. (Mostly. Humans are still essentially animals, so various detritus gets dropped, but no garbage bags full of food scraps left on the ground for the raccoons.)
Aisle. As much as I would love to take a boat to the breakfast food isle (a.k.a. island), I'm pretty sure that I need to look in the breakfast aisle at the grocery store.
The economic angle has been tried to death
It really, really hasn’t lol.
Price of eggs.
I'd love to make good on that guarantee, but we would've needed somebody with a national media platform to phrase it that way, not some nobody on Lemmy like me. The past is the past, but the time to figure out how to frame the issues with the next fascist in line is now.
It's not just slightly different phrasing, it's phrasing that packs an emotional/visceral punch. The economic angle has been tried to death, and a constant refrain I hear is, "how can people vote against their own self-interests?!" It's because the other side speaks to the animal brain, not the frontal lobes. The murder of a pretty, young nursing student activates strong emotions and has a lot more cognitive stickiness than economic arguments about who gets paid how much to pick our strawberries. Guarantee that if voters picture his grubby, little fingers sliding into a vagina in a department store dressing room, they'll remember it.
The media gets high on sensationalism. If a Democratic politician came out and said that the President was "deep-throating Putin's cock," oh believe me, that'd get coverage right quick!
Saying he's a "sexual predator" and that he "finger-raped a woman" are far from the same thing. One is dry and intellectual, the other conjures up memorable mental imagery. It's the same way that "damp" and "moist" can be synonyms, but only one of them squicks a lot of people.
Yeah, joke's on me and my short attention span! I kept looking away when the video ended, and the effect only lasts a quarter of a second.