Montag, Arbeit, Allergie, Kind hat letzte Schulwoche, Chaos.
56 Betriebe. Ich kenne 10 in nächster Umgebung & wohne am Land. Da bescheissen mehrere Hunderte bus Tausende erfolgreich.
This tip isn't shitty for the reason, but for the execution.
Und abermals bereue ich den Besuch der Kommentarsektion vom Standard.
Schade, dass dieses System so unter der Regierung leidet. Menschen wieder einzugliedern scheint keine Priorität zu haben.
Wrong use of format. Makes no sense at all.
I'll be honest, i never thought about HOW death sentences are executed, mostly because i live in a country where death sentences are seen as barbaric and are not possible thankfully. But now that i think about it, a "mutli-drug cocktail" sounds like one of the worst ideas, next hanging and guillotine.
If you are having trouble with download/unpacking getting stuck at 99% forever on steam, go into download settings > steam library folders > repair folder then redownload the game.
-sent from toilet
This one really got me. It was so unexpected.